
A friend of mine who shares my chronically single status once said that whenever she starts feeling bad about being alone, she spends more time hanging out with her heterosexual female friends who are married or living with their significant others. Their stories about being the primary

What is it with other people being so goddamn shitty about other people lives and their lifestyle choices? These are the same people who can’t imagine a married couple being childless by choice. Not everyone wants the same things in life but that doesn’t mean their lives are without content.

She knew exactly what she was doing and what the potential outcomes were from flying commercial. Part of me thinks Bannon set this up so this exact incident would occur and everyone would feel sorry for lil Vanky.

Great. Now I have to get Shake Shack for lunch.

Dude I share this fear and I almost hate it more than the Donald presidency.

See this is why ivanka is as bad if not worse than the rest of them. She’s dangerous because her perceived softness and good looks lulls you into a false sense of security. Like her father she has no values or principles. She will do anything for power, money and prestige. If Donald doesn’t run in 2020, I wouldn’t be


There is plenty of reason to doubt the validity of the election in which the person who won lost by over 2.5 million people.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

This doesn’t seem to be specific to millennials at all. It’s boomers who didn’t fucking die off fast enough who are wrecking the damn place.

You’re so right. I was a Bernie supporter myself and I even donated to his campaign before the primary but I found myself pleading with all my Bernie friends as late as fucking OCTOBER that they needed to vote for Hillary. I flipped a few but it didn’t matter. None of it matters. Bernie should have conceded when it

I’m so sick of both Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders trying to be heroes after the fact. They, especially Bernie, helped cause this and now they’re trying to pass the blame and re-characterize their legacies. This isn’t anything but false hope and a fundraiser.

Is anyone here still hoping for the results to be overturned? I feel like it’s foolish after all that’s happened, but there’s a little seed in me that whispers “maybe”, and I don’t quite know what to do with it.

Both nostrils too.

She didn’t fuck things up quite as much as Gary. Fuck Gary in both ears.

Her time to be this elections savior was lost a long time ago when she figured her little vanity project was worth siphoning votes from an actual candidate.

I don’t like her either and to be a doctor who questions the benefit of vaccines is unforgivable but she’s rallying and organising. HRC can’t contest the count in WI, PA, MI. Jill Stein is taking one for the team. It’s not like a recount or examination of the process will benefit her. She’s doing it because, shock

I don’t care what she does, fuck Jill Stein right in the ear.

I suppose killing our national education system is one way they’ve figured out how to ensure a healthy supply of future Republican voters...

Exactly. Why are we worrying about who likes us? They don’t like us and they are never going to like us so fuck them and recount. If she loses, it gives them more fodder. If she wins, we don’t die. So it seems pretty easy to decide. Unless she really did commit a lot of crimes and can’t afford to piss them off. That’s