They seem to have a very romantic idea of newborns.
They seem to have a very romantic idea of newborns.
Same here...if it weren’t for Jez I wouldn’t know who her from Adam...the scene when gurl is being chased by Desna and runs out of her shoes.....slaaaaayed me. She more than holds her own own.
From what I’ve read, she didn’t want this sexual assault to define her or her career, which was basically exploding at the time it happened. It’s hard to rationalize how someone behaves in a situation like that. Her mom said on the stand that Taylor expressed that her first reaction was shame for not calling it out…
Maybe this is my cranky infertile uterus talking, but fucking shit, that Nikki Reed interview made me wish she steps on Legos barefoot every morning for the rest of her blasted #blessed life.
I would have died of boredom without my cellphone (or computer) for a month after my son was born. Turns out, newborn babies are kind of boring! So...good luck to them.
I used to wonder why Karrueche Tran was a thing but she’s really cute on Claws.
“My second order as President was to cure polio. You’re welcome, cripples!”
I have this image in my head of Donald Trump driving a golf cart around his resort at top speed while John Kelly—clad in plaid pants, a white polo shirt, and a newsboy cap—frantically chases him and tries to grab his phone.
Thing that also happened today:
That’s interesting- I knew Kim and the older girls are great with waitstaff- I’ve actually heard that Kim K is phenomenal and the most professional person to work with (coming from people who have worked with BIG names), but their seems to be evidence to the contrary for the Jenner girls, at least with blind gossip…
Yeah, I kind of feel the same you do. While I do think it’s shitty if, in fact, she did not tip, I ALSO think it’s shitty and gross when someone posts proof that a customer did not tip (and doubly so when a BUSINESS does it). I worked in the service industry for years and years, and I would never do either of these…
Except she has no burden. They say no, she says yes.
This. Though it’s a social requirement, tipping is not mandatory. Maybe she left a cash tip, maybe she didn’t, or maybe she thought someone else in her group was putting down the tip. To do this over a $4 tip is gross.
Naw, I have no love of the Kardashians but I’m on their side here. They obviously tip an acceptable amount or we would have heard about it before. Even if she did forget, who drags someone through the mud for five bucks?
Not getting a tip is shitty. When I used to not get a tip I’d be like damn, they didn’t tip me, asshole, and then continue my day. This shit is ridiculous and whoever is making this huge deal should probably be fired, it is not a good look for the restaurant.
Pretty stupid of Baby’s. Whether or not she tipped on a $24 bill, you can’t prove she didn’t pay in cash, and it only comes across as petty and vindictive. Not that anyone really cares—mountain out of a molehill.
Kylie’s full of shit. Team anyone else.
He did not, however, specify what the inaccuracies may have been.
Des and Chris just have one baby actually! You might be confusing them with Ashley and JP, who do have two kids. xoxo inexplicable Bach franchise superfan
“By the time I’m done, they won’t even know your name.”