
So it’s like All In The Family, if All In The Family was about how right Archie Bunker was?

This sounds exactly like the relationship dynamic between my Dad and me...except I have no husband because I am “too intimidating” for normal men.

So an Archie Bunker remake?

So basically American Dad without the tongue-in-cheek self awareness?

She’s 21 in trailer park years.

I said it before and I’ll say it again. This is the picture of vodka and Valium. Trust.

So...the first season of american dad before it got good?

Taylor & Joe look like bored trust-fund siblings whose only source of joy comes from hunting the poor on Purge day.

I have this catchy lyric that goes sort of like,

god damnit it’s perfect and I hate it.

I call ThornyDick

Yeah, pretty much. the photo here is not very flattering. I just did a google image search, and he has better photos. Although he does kind of strike me as Joseph Gordon Levitt starring in a James Spader biopic.

Of course! I feel like with Trump you don’t need to come up with any Machiavellian reasons for anything. Dude is just desperate to appear like he belongs so he’ll just spout out whatever bullet points he skimmed earlier in order to impress whoever he’s talking too.

Can we just skip the impeachment and annul this presidency? I’d say we could just abort it, but we’re in the second trimester, and Paul Ryan is going to make sure we carry it to term, even if it kills us.

Seriously fuck all of those people who pretended that Hillary was worse than Donald. Not only was she competent, she would have been a great president. The people who voted for this orange buffoon all deserve to suffer the consequences of their vote.

“But I just COULDN’T vote for Hillary Clinton”

+1 Archie Bunker wannabe

Wasn’t that show called American Dad?