
I’m a sperm bank baby. My mom was a badass single woman in the eighties who was ahead of her time and decided to become w single mother by choice, so while yes I have a “dad” he was a donor from a book chosen BC my mom liked dark hair and light eyes and he was a physicist so my mom thought he was probably smart.

Lol right I feel like this is being framed as if all surrogates are being used against their will Handmaids Tale style

I love your dad.

Ok maybe it’s the words “have to” then. I certainly was not saying anyone has to hire a surrogate. What I was asking, was that for people who do hire a surrogate, should the expense be close to one million dollars for those individuals regardless of whether they are celebrities like Kim and Kanye, and the comment I

I was responding to a comment that said surrogates should get at a minimum 500k. The comment wasn’t about whether surrogacy is itself always unethical and wrong or something. Did you not see that I was responding to someone else’s comment by chance?

Ok so you are against surrogacy period?

And it’s not like it’s nuisance value, it’s more than many people make in a year. Would I do it? Hell no, I wouldn’t think it was worth it at all, but that’s my choice

I get that, but they specifically make it illegal to pay a lot so that it doesn’t turn into a situation where rich people exploit poor women who don’t really want to be surrogates but are desperate for money. It’s to combat exploitation and protect women.

Did you see her reply to Leah block from bens season on Twitter? Yesssss!!!!

Since it’s the same labor to carry a baby regardless of who it’s for, I assume you think all people, even normals, should have to pay more than 500k?

I don’t see it as an issue of them not being generous or considerate, but likely more that they don’t want to be criminals, which I think is fairly reasonable and common.

More from the overheating/dehydration effects that accompany mdma that are amplified when you’re dancing like a maniac in a desert in a dense crowd of 150k people. I used to go to a lot of edm festivals....never saw anyone die but saw many pass out/collapse/be helicoptered out because of this issue.

I don’t know for sure because this whole thing was a shitshow, but I believe the producer who filed the complaint was not there during it, and is close friends with Corinne outside the show

My whole family did the tradition of going to the movies on Christmas afternoon every mom has been banned from choosing the movie ever since she decided we should all go see stepmom in theaters Christmas Day when it came out.

I actually don’t hate Bieber, when I watched that movie about him Never Say never or something I learned that he was a pretty adorable baby musical prodigy at like two, but I don’t get the hype about despacito, which to me is the most generic unoffensively bland song I have heard in a while.

My mom was a single momma too! And still to this day the baddest bitch I know :)

Ours was also much less mom used to have us play “Rock”, especially in the car, which essentially was a game where we couldn’t move or speak.

Although I thought during the campaign in one of those fluff interviews either him or his wife said that the kids favorite game was “tickle the daddy”? Which just sounds so creepy and the idea of anyone tickling Ted Cruz gives me hives so I’m not going to look it up, but I remember hearing that and being like, your

Ugh gross. I went to college with Evan and didn’t personally know him well (though he lived in my apartment building so I saw him often), but every girl I know who hooked up with him said he was a colossal creep/douche, and none of them were remotely surprised when this story came out, which is actually just sad to

IIRC, the real world thing was tonya on one of the challenges, and she was passed out drunk and Kenny and Evan stuck a toothbrush inside her, and apparently she didn’t hear about it until another cast member told her, production did nothing. She did end up suing and I think they settled, and Kenny and Evan who were