
I feel like Miley is one of the few existing pop stars right now who doesn’t rely on/emphasize/cash in on her attractiveness, instead dressing wacky and quirky and weird as fuck, so I don’t think she’s famous based on the being a cute white girl thing. I think it’s because she makes good music that people like and

Not saying she’s Dolly (she’s also 24), but I think you may be the first person I’ve ever heard of who didn’t think she killed her cover of Jolene, including her godmother Dolly. That’s interesting, I mean I’m kind of over the song because I just think it’s so played out and overdone, but I think Miley’s is as good a

This season was underdogs (mostly new RW ppl and ppl from are you the one, mtvs gloriously trashy dating show) versus champs, so the champs had ct, bananas, Darrell, Camilla, laurel and some other classics). It’s cute to watch the old dogs still kick ass

I agree generally, but this team is certifiably dumb. Like they have hollowheads. Cory is very lucky he is attractive

We did not see enough of the camilanator this season, so it’s only fitting that her breakdown occur at the last possible moments

I was delighting in Cory being a moron because he is an arrogant douche for no reason, because while he looks like the type that would be good at the challenge, he is a legitimate moron, has no endurance, can’t handle the eating challenges, and just sucks in general. Same goes for Nicole to a lesser extent, and it’s

You’re right, spicey would totally pick black balloon, to go with the blackness of his soul. GGD4lyfe!

I mean, that is a very important question of national importance. Was Iris or Name the best 90s GGD song? Everyone wants to know Spiceys thoughts!

Is that what comedians do? I never knew, thank you so much for teaching me! Although I thought jokes were supposed to be at least somewhat intelligent or clever or amusing or humorous which this clearly had none of so not really sure it even fits that category.

There are some that break the mold, I think Matt Damon and Luciana will make it (or I hope so because I think they’re adorable). But I’m sure it’s harder to be with someone famous for sure in a lotta ways

I don’t disagree, I said in another comment below that I don’t think it means she’s a terrible person or anything, but it was a shitty thing to say.

I go to Rikers multiple times a week sometimes as a lawyer. I turn my phone over like everyone else does. I don’t make comments like that because it’s an asshole comment to make. I don’t see how anyone could think it’s funny, especially after she actually went there and saw what it is like for the thousands of

Wait whatttt??? I will be completely upfront that I don’t watch Samantha Bee, but I have always heard great things about her....but I don’t see how that’s possible if she would also write/say something this completely tone deaf and ignorant. Ooph that’s a bad one

I think the hatred initially stemmed from that shady shit with their pets if I remember correctly, but I could be wrong because I’m not the best at remembering who I am supposed to hate lol

Thank you! The rest of the cast acts like he’s father of the year because he hasn’t completely abandoned them, and I’m like this is not an amazing achievement!He’s a 55 year old manchild who barely acknowledges those kids exist ugh 

Also Chelsea is not the hot commodity they are trying to make her out to be, she is generically pretty and has the personality of a cement wall. Boo.

It was the best! Are you a New Yorker? Because I thought a lot of the NY humor was fantastic. I’ve seen a lot of Broadway shows and it’s honestly one of my favorites.

AND MORE. especially if you’re from New York, it is quintessential New York Jew humor and its divine. Also they have a surprise guest each show who does the entirely too much tuna sketch, and the one time I saw it Ralph Macchio was the guest and he was a riot! Karate kid for lifeeee

Agreed on all counts. Like if you’re gonna be judgy towards someone for not being a lawyer, you might not want to be a complete waste of space/garbage human yourself

You and I are officially brain twins, that is every thought I ever have while watching this awful show that I will not quit lol