
So it's a costume show then. I get it. That's pretty awesome. Kinda like a more civilized/pretentious burning man festival. Maybe they should have a couple of bands there.

Yeast infection?


In fairness, those beans will go a long way. Boil them up with some of that extensive lime and cilantro and you can toss them in the eggs with some brown rice. I still don’t see this feeding two growing kids for a week though.

The budget is $29 per person. The groceries she photographed would be for an individual, not a family.

Let’s say she and her kids have eggs for breakfast six days this week. That’s two eggs a day to share between them.

Is breakfast a cup of lime water?

She has enough food for 18 tacos including limes for flavor, cilantro for added flavor and a side of rice and beans... How big is her family? Taco night... every night.. I’m totally down with that but pretty sure this is not enough food to feed an entire family for a week.. nope.

Along with access to an excellent kitchen, Gwen also has heaps of time to turn all that raw stuff into an edible meal...although I am interested to see how that haul will feed a whole family breakfast, lunch and dinner for seven days.

Honda’s dunderheaded belief that if one touchscreen is awesome, why not give you two? It actually doesn’t sound that bad in theory, but in practice it’s a great illustration of how designers have no idea how most drivers want to use in-car tech.

Chevy Volt. A straight up sea of cheap plastics and inferior build quality. Just awful. If I wanted to ride around inside a giant Igloo cooler, I would have bought one. Fail.

I’m thinking of adapting “Bitch Better Have My Money” as my go-to mantra for any situation.

“A Christian woman enters a Muslim operated business.”

Kinja? “Fuck that shit.”

This is great, but I think it would have been a stronger statement if she had boycotted Indiana and kept them from getting any revenue they got from her show last night.

I was VIP for her show last night and can vouch that the crowd went BONKERS when she said that. She’s a queen, and it made my heart smile to hear everyone agreeing with her!

Rihzus has spoken.

Fuck that shit is really my response to everything! am I rihrih ?

As a gay man, little things like this mean a LOT to me.