
Like so, so many other aspects of our continually adapted constitution, the electoral college made a lot more sense 234 yrs ago. Much like the ‘sacred’, outdated 2nd amendment.

“Both”? Who else?

Yeah, the whole night featured actors that have been famous for decades. And it was pretty obvious that Oppenheimer was going to win. 

Like the OP said, this was a pattern that was used for best song as well. 

I dunno, I enjoyed and appreciated it. I mean, come on, it has been a foregone conclusion all awards season (and considering the awards won before) that it was going to be Oppenheimer. And 2 actors, the editor, and director had already been up there. So what. It’s not like he said the wrong name or was given the wrong

I thought the  bit landed pretty well. And it was at the very end of the night, so referencing him didn’t really damage the mood of the show. And it killed in the room, obviously.

Nope, sorry. This reviewer did it wrong. I adore Ayo and I was ecstatic to watch her host. But any review of this episode that doesn’t put full attention on the insidiousness of propping up Nikki Haley, giving her a platform to legitamize herself and comedy-wash her racism was absolute fucking trash. Doing thison an

This should be the response to every comedian or comic fan that complains about ‘not being able to say anything now’.  Like it’s an inalienable right to be a successful stand up or something. Free speech does not mean freedom from consequences. 

Same hereditary issues for me, on both sides. And I love: “I control when I drink not the other way around.” Very cool. And I’ve heard a lot of platitudes about substance use recently. 

I don’t like to assume and I certainly don’t like to analyze, but that does not read as any kind of addiction to me. I personally was not able to control my drinking during the day and ended up losing a pretty cushy job. I’ve been able to quit drinking for around a year, but I continue cannabis use b/c it doesn’t

I completely agree with you an all counts here. I never understood the criticism. But she made a veiled reference to the situation in her movie The Anniversary Party. I guess it was a different time? She’s clearly doing the same voice here, and it also works.

As someone who is in recovery from alcohol addiction, and has consumed more addictive drugs in my past, I am right there with you. Basically all I do is take THC in varying forms now. I’ve burned a lot of brain cells and have hallucinated over the years more than anyone needs to. It’s too much commitment for me now.

I agree with you right up until you compared him to Lindsey Graham. While Danish clearly took all orders from Lorraine, Graham is such a fucking sycophantic, pathetic, weak person that I wouldn’t degrade Danish or want to compliment Graham in that way. Just sayin. ;)

I mean.... people probably usually smelled worse 400 yrs ago. I recall that scene of him ‘sin eating’. :) 

It’s a TV show. There’s nothing histrionic about their statement. That’s a weird thing to criticize. 

I really feel your committed questioning here. As much as I have enjoyed this show, and this season, I just could not get past that narrative choice. Especially since she lowered herself into a trap basically. 

Dave Foley was interviewed on Vulture after his last episode, and he basically stated that he felt this same way. That Danish felt invincible and was not aware of the committed lunacy of Roy and his Klan. Also, it’s always been kind of a Coen thing (which this show wants to emulate) for smart characters to make dumb

I love that movie. I think it’s the most underrated Coen film. JJL was great (even though she rec’d a lot of criticism at the time for her vocal choices) and Tim Robbins was perfect. Even Paul Newman had some fun with his role. 

Yeah, 911 would have made much more sense. But if she didn’t call them, I was thinking that her husband’s phone number might be the only one she has memorized. Other than my husband, I don’t have any phone number memorized now. And I’m a GenXer who grew up needing to do that and/or carrying around a little phone book. 

Agreed. That felt like a major mishap on a script level. Especially after watching her be so crafty and resilient for the enitre season and so successful at escaping death in this episode. It felt like a writing trope to make the scene with Munch and her more suspenseful. I don’t even think it was a good idea for her