Jen P

Possibly. But I like to think of it as breeding an excess of loyalty into the horses and making puppies far too persistent and intrepid. (Can you imagine the internal compass that puppy must have?)

Well, at least part of the time, he lives in Minnesota.

Oh, my God, thank God!

I could spend hours watching a butterfly following Prince around as he dispensed romantic advice to clueless people.

People laughed at me yesterday for saying I felt "breakfasty." Is this not a thing people say?

Who checks that?

The Budweiser "Puppy Love" commercial is a sequel to last year's "Brotherhood" commercial. Same farm, same actor playing the horse trainer, I think we're supposed to believe it's the same horse that ran back to him in Chicago in "Brotherhood." This time, the trainer's neighbor (an attractive blond) has a puppy farm

I realize that I already knew 24 was coming back, but I recognized it as a clever 24 teaser after the first spot. "I can name that show in two beeps and an explosion, Red."

I would assume Miss Piggy declined because she wouldn't be the lead.

Gonzo was in the passenger seat. Beaker was stomping grapes with Terry. Rizzo the Rat was sambaing in the carnival.

Doesn't Go Daddy sponsor her race team? She's been in several ads for them over the years. Maybe they wanted just a little bit of consistency, even as they're getting away from the "look at me- I'm offending people" commercials they used to be known for.

The cockamouse!

Yes, which is why it's named Luxo, Jr. It has a lamp parent in all its short films. It's parent is presumably named Luxo.

Vagina, butt cheek, boob, butt cheek, boob.

And thank YOU stuartsaysstop!

Zoe didn't actually banish him. The spell she cast was supposed to "release" him from being a ghost, but it brought him to life. He was in that house for decades, watching witches and learning from them. When Zoe tried to release him, he just led her to the "right" spell to release him from his ghostly form and into a

Totally agreed. I remember the "BBT is show *about* nerds, while Community is a show *for* nerds" snooty comments from back in the day. Now of course, I would just say, "Stephen Hawking. Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Your argument is invalid." But I haven't heard those comments in a few years, so the comeback is wasted.

I don't think that whole exchange was because Bernadette didn't know who the Riddler was. It was because, as a reply to "Batman got his ass kicked by my curling iron," "Don't let the Riddler know" is just not funny. At all.