
They beat up a guy who works in special education? Christ Almighty....Then again, as I recall, Nazis weren’t big fans of special needs kids back in the day either, so this is pretty on message for them.

I’m so glad you reported on this poor kid, whose story I hadn’t seen elsewhere. I think it’s really important that we don’t just lump all the violence together in a single place so that it’s easier to keep it at a distance. I hope they sue and I hope those motherfuckers are identified and prosecuted and sent to

I used to be against doxxing. Now I am starting to come around. See a Nazi, dox a Nazi.

The city should be sued, the police force should be sued, each individual terrorist in this picture should be sued. But like the article points out, even after Mr. Harris wins, he’ll carry this unspeakable trauma with him for the rest of his life - how to help with that? What a mean, disgusting, terrible lesson to

Thank god Mr. Harris has good friends who stepped up to help him. I wish for him to have a speedy recovery and I’m glad the photographer is helping his mother identify the thugs who did this.

Indeed. I’m already getting folks/trolls pointing out that a woman, who happened to be white, died even though I repeatedly pointed out that a woman died at the hands/vehicle of a terrorist in the damn post. And that this should be the focus. Not folks’ tiny feelings about being “good.” Clearly, I’m not talking about

Thank you Danielle. My response would have been filled with profanity and name-calling.

Opinion: everyone should have to survive off of service industry jobs and wages for a year. It would make society a nicer place.

Literally a Margaret Atwood quote come to life.

property law expert warning them at the time that many of them may have been seized illegally from historical sites in Iraq.

The uber rich, police commissioners, journalists...this shit sounds like a party at Wayne Manor. How come the Joker never crashes these types of events IRL?

I wish every escort and/or patient could wear Go-pros to get good records of this.

If men faced harassment for buying viagra you could be damn sure this kind of shit would be illegal already.

Some of them are affiliated with local church groups, as Gothamist writes, including Church at the Rock in Brooklyn, Grace Baptist Church in Woodlawn, and Bright Dawn Ministries in Brooklyn.

This is what Pence wants America to be like.