I thought maybe I was doing a bit better, I was putting some breakfast sammies in the oven this morning and I burst into tears, It probably doesn’t help that I can’t get more than a few hours of sleep and live in Portland and it’s been pretty grey.
That’s a good point, I’m about to watch some Bob Ross hopefully that helps.
Either way it’s not good, haven’t had a decent nights sleep eventhough I’m smokin like a chimney.
Is it Extinction Level Event?
I feel like this is the beginning to that Busta Rhymes CD.
If this wasn’t real life but a show I’d binge watch the shit out of it, and have a relative calmness and well-being.
OMG please let this be true, I think every sane person has seen this coming.
Yeah mine is Earl Blumenauer so yeah I’m preaching to the choir but those in Repub need to be called even more, once they start getting bothered they will be worried as they fucking should be about 2018.
Call your state rep and tell them this isn’t acceptable!
I think that’s why esp comedians are poking him so much if he reacts like a dictator before even taking office it will help the resistance.
With all their stupid conspiracy theories it’s actually them conspiring to control the world, how dumb are these people?
Things are fucked I shared a post on fb about my exp going from an inner city school to a suburb, short story: I got treated like shit called an n-lover, white trash, etc. I said how important it is growing up around people who don’t all look like you.
I’m so sorry you have to go through that, you not alone💞
I’m glad to live in Portland where I can go buy tons of Indica, btw I’m planning on starting a stock pile in case it gets taken away by AG Guilliani(Barf)
The fucking smug look on Pence though at the vaginas he gets to control.
McCain too, I’m sure there are certain things that are a bridge to far or perhaps a wall...
I wonder if he starts doing crazy shit if the CIA will take him out for the good of the country
I think I heard maybe on full frontal that he didn’t do shit in congress, who knows maybe pence will be to dumb to realize the dems are dragging their feet in every piece of legislation.