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    Yes.. its not on my floor

    It will buff out.... of the train

    I think it might be LTD. the even more lux version of the Fairlane

    something something, trunk... something something hookers

    Is there any part of a car as unchanged since whenever than the humble wiper? 

    Because ‘Straya! Truck yeh!

    educate me. whats the difference between a flying car and, like, small helicopter or light aircraft?

    How do you , like, open the door to get in?

    me so in loves

    I fell asleep on my way to work one morning. Ran UNDER a Suv in my Kia Cerato (Forte) sedan. The rear wheel came thru the windscreen and was inches from my face. Im lucky to be here to tell the tale. I was really tied but “you have to get to work”.Impressed by how strong the A pillar and cage was
