Sharaz Jek

I stand by my previous post from a couple of weeks ago. The Cybertruck is the worst-engineered consumer vehicle available on the market today.

I love the fact that the Fisker Ocean was running at the end of the competition and the Cybertruck was not.

One of the all time great scenes in American cinema. You feel it through the screen.

Oof. Clarkson, 64 years old, looking like that... Reverse Portrait of Dorian Gray vibes :D

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Hate to see them go but nothing lasts forever.  Even though Clarkson proved to be a massive knob, there will probably never be a trio of hosts that top these guys.

We Germans are not all smiles and sunshine. 

great dark comedy. Also, a little less menacing being towed in ass first

Corrupt Chicago police is about as surprising as a rainy day in Seattle.  Unless the cops start going to jail or losing pensions this will continue.  

As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.

There is currently an anti-trust lawsuit against Apple that includes CarPlay.

Frankenstein was the drop out who wanted to be a doctor. The other main party to that story was the supposed monster, who “ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed.” but appears to otherwise have no name.

I risk being shot daily by flipping them off as I drive past. I’m in Florida. I guess it’s hard to keep an old, pissed off, cat lady down.

I did not know that this was a thing, but it’s lovely

A U.S. CEO can certainly screw things up too, but I don’t think GM’s Carplay decision is even close to the existential problem facing Stellantis. 

Musk continues to look more and more unstable while cozying up with the kinds of people who memorize the age of consent in all 50 states.

Until that oil bath timing belt on the back of the engine gets changed to a maintenance free oil bath timing chain...that 3.0 Duramax is off the table for me and many others. It may be smooth and quiet and powerful, but its a ticking timebomb of ruinously expensive planned service.

I think it’s a diamond pattern.  Centre wheel in the front, centre wheel in the back, parallel wheels in the middle.

You duckduckgo “ugly concept cars” and wow, you’ll get a ton of hits. Lots of what the eff were they thinking? hits.