Sharaz Jek

it’s not clear if the two children were in car seats at the time of the crash

Being a professional writer used to mean something.

Yeeeaaah... it may be a “hydrogen bomb” but it’s not a hydrogen bomb....

“This bomb was built using a fully loaded hydrogen fuel cell from a wrecked Toyota Mirai car...”

Shitty headline is shitty, and you know it.

Not a hydrogen bomb, that’s a C4 bomb with hydrogen in the middle of it. Still, that’s wild.

Can you adjust the title, please Bradders, because a IED from a Hydrogen explosive is a very different thing from an actual Hydrogen Bomb. Less... world end-y, shall we say.And my cold War raised heart almost stopped when I saw that.

1st is awesome because you are finally seeing conservative culture reconcile these two facts that could not coexist forever:

You do if you think you can make a buck and suckle on the government tit for profits.  But yes, you are dead on, Musk didnt start Tesla.

Not just the outline. What the hell does this mean?

So the main source is a YouTube video from a content creator that openly admits to shitposting in his bio. Lots of stats pretending to show firefighters are useless, but where is the evidence that American streets are as wide as they are because of fire trucks? Fire trucks aren’t any wider than semis or box trucks,

As a firefighter for 30 years and these days mostly chauffeur, I can speak with great authority in saying that you have no idea what you are talking about. You read a couple of articles about firefighting in Europe and I guess now you know are a subject matter expert?

Republican appointed judges love taking every possible opportunity to prove that they don’t have the the character and temperament to be judges.

Hey all of you readers and writers, I have a bumper on my car. I charge $4 million per sticker to allow you to advertise on my car. I see that you folks haven’t been advertising there and thus, have not paid me. So I’m going to have to sue all of you for that.

Devo cover band

There’s actually quite a lot of debate and thought that goes into what platform to select when a FD purchases a truck for thier fleet. Contrary to what one may think, we as firefighters don’t particularly like big trucks. The bigger the truck, the less you can see, the less you can maneuver, the less options you have

“No, Mr President, that was a ceiling fan.”

If Joe Biden gave this response to this question the New York Times would not shut up about it for six weeks.

Unloading a modern BMW at a pawn shop is standard and acceptable practice.

The only person allowed to get off Vance’s couch is Vance.