Sharaz Jek

Looking around at this wonderful, peaceful, smoothly-running world we have now, I’d be happy to swap the male/female ratio of leadership in government, business, science and education for a decade and see how things shake out... 

Musk promised...

Some of the warmest moments in recent history for me was discovering that women are absolutely kicking down the barriers of male dominated spaces.

That’s why we need to bring back retractable hardtops.

The best convertible to buy is one that someone else has already taken the initial depreciation hit on.

It’s fine for corporations and scammers to get our data but a Chinese company? If they want that data they better pay Facebook for it, damnit.

Look, everybody! This guy hates Doctor Who but still watches it!

Davies has undoubtedly seen Pyramids of Mars several times. He is a huge fan of the classic series.

The same people who accuse Rage Against the Machine of “going woke.”

Because they can’t or their internal worlds crumble like Berlin 1945.

Fascists have no practical ideology”

these are the same people that walked away from the panderverse episode of south park and saw it as “see? wokeness is killing star wars!”

After watching Ruby Sunday:
My Wife: “Well that cliffhanger is unacceptable.”
Me: “I can do something about that. Interested?”
She: “Sure. What’cha got?”
Me: **Fires up Pyramids of Mars** “I got BACKSTORY!”

Are they carving private user data on elegant wooden balls (for some reason)?

Fascists have no practical ideology outside of expressing how “prosecuted” they are despite reality telling otherwise.

Somehow it escaped them until now that yes—it’s always been about them.

They are so dumb that they need someone else to tell them what to be mad at.

I don’t give a shit about TikTok. I don’t personally use it, don’t have an account, and in principle I actually agree with some of the concerns about data privacy.