Sharaz Jek

That first photo has a very “Oregon Trail” vibe to me. “You failed to forge the river. You lost half of your Red Bulls.”

Faults in Democratic policies: unintended economic side effects, supports military-industrial complex

BothSiders are the worst. It’s the clearest black vs white binary choice in election history. STFU and vote Blue. 

He uses the wordssort of’ so much in that quote that it sounds like he doesn’t even believe it himself at this point.

It’s really cute the way McFarlane thinks Spawn will ever get made.

Corn ethanol is the boondoggle of all boondoggles, handing out our taxes to agribusinesses for something we don’t need or want, and actively HORRIBLE for the environment, soil, water use as they mine groundwater, and SO much more...
You might remember as a kid reading National Geographic and the like and seeing

Yes, the process is worse. Every piece of equipment that farms the corn runs on fossil fuels. Ethanol absorbs water like a sponge so if you want to transport it in a pipeline, it has to be an ethanol-only pipeline which means that real-world, most ethanol is shipped by fossil fuel-burning trucks and trains. Ethanol

You have to grind the corn before it’s fed to cattle or else they quite literally shit out the value.

Except the Japanese didn’t blatantly steal IP, didn’t use slave labor to make their cars, and as we saw- put a huge amount of emphasis in the long term durability of the cars themselves. There are many videos showing BYD’s randomly catching fire all over China so not sure we really “ need” these things.

They use literal slaves in the manufacturing of their EVs. You don’t think that’s a problem? Not buying a car because slaves built it is not the same as not buying a Japanese car because you fought a war against them. 

My god I HATE welfare farming. The farm subsidies unconscionable. Paying people to not farm or giving away money for relatives of corn farmers is horrid. I am so mad at maga farmers that would let poor children starve as long as they get their welfare farming check from the government they hate so bad they are trying

Do they actually want Chinese EVs or do they simply want more cheap EV offerings?

It’s probably better for you, and the glass bottle is nice. But I blind taste tested my brother when he wouldn’t shut up about it, and I promise you can’t taste the difference.

idk, planes keep flying over it like they already do? 

They tried it with cats, but they couldn’t get the cats to choose a meal preference.

Just remember not to say that about bullying. It doesn’t work there. Bullies know how to make you suffer and feed on it. “Not reacting” is just another reaction to them.

Honestly not sure a video game adaptation to this point has NAILED the tone as well as Fallout did. That it found a new angle to explore the madness of Vault-Tec is just a bonus.

Tomato, to-mah-to.

We are on our second Travel Trailer, Paid cash for both and bought both used.