Sharaz Jek

What a really weird comment. Yes, we do look for world building and character exposition in Bugs Bunny, which is why Looney Tunes are in fact considered classics, because they were well told stories, thoughtfully produced, etc.

“Literally unwatchable, 7/10" -Kotaku

Please, please, please do not encourage lactose intolerant people to drink raw milk.  It has no magical properties to crack galactose, and they will curse your name a few hours later.

Sure, the guy they hired with a really good track record for the next ten years has learned nothing from the mistakes of the previous decade’s debacles. Good handle.

he’s more like Zack Snyder than you realize

Listeria has an infectious dose as low as a few dozen bacteria. It’s a nasty disease, especially for children. That’s why we pasteurize milk. Raw milk has no real benefits if you’re not making cheese with it in a very very clean space. Making hard cheese, because of the anti-bacterial Enviroment, is the only

I hear tuberculosis is a lot of fun.

Yes, and all those benefits do you absolutely no good if you get E.coli and die.

We should be sharing articles on why you should drink it and we can get rid of anyone stupid enough to believe it. 

I grew up in the Midwest, and a lot of my uncles were farmers, so I drank my share of raw milk as a kid, right out of the bulk tank.

Scott Walker didn’t do enough damage to Wisconsin?  Now this?

Municipal and institutional investors should absolutely scare traditional crypto holders; with them will come the demand for regulation and scrutiny that will absolutely collapse the entire pyramid scheme market.

I suppose the estate can like or dislike whatever they want, but it’s a shame. And yes. I’m not sure exactly how to do Silmarillion or where you’d set it. There’s not a lot of story on the forging of the rings, but the whole process was over a thousand years I think I recall. The forging of the rings. whatever

I can think of two reasons why it’ll work

There was a Hollywood Reporter article from April of last year that says a source at Amazon that said 37% of people that started the show finished it in the US(45% outside of the US). I have no idea if that’s a legit stat though as Googling around just results in other websites referring back to the original article.

“...I’m one of the like 30% of viewers that finished the first season and generally enjoyed it...”

I’m looking forward to it. I’m one of the like 30% of viewers that finished the first season and generally enjoyed it, despite the somewhat awkward choices they had to make with characters to account for the fact that they don’t have the rights to a lot of the stuff they’re kind of sort of referencing here and there.

Dictated whilst high as fuck...

Hectobillionaire. A centibillionaire would be worth 1/100th of a billion.

You personally have Captain Marvel rated around a 7 out of 10, and that’s not something you consider to be good?