Sharaz Jek

“I served 31 years, I was an Army doctor, I trained as a Navy flight surgeon, I served with the 7th Special Forces Group, I served with the 160th. I served six tours.”

Dictated whilst high as fuck...

Hectobillionaire. A centibillionaire would be worth 1/100th of a billion.

I would also check on that kid to. anyone that would pull a gun out instinctively on someone dropping your daughter off at your house should be evaluated. My mom would have thanked the Uber dude and smacked the black off me if I ever did that.

Please remember to tip and give your trafficker a 5 star rating if you were pleased with your experience.

The first thing I’m doing when becoming a billionaire is retire and fade into obscurity. I don’t need nor want to control anything, just give me money so I can drive nice cars, work out, and play xbox all day.

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

“And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””

Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.

Drawing attention to someone else’s conduct as a way to avoid discussing the merits of your own is literally whataboutism.

Fifth Element references ALWAYS deserve a star.

Those are manual transmission turbo diesels too! Not wagons or available in brown, but I think we can forgive those two sins and at least call it an honorary Jalopmobile - right?

Let Corben Dallas demonstrate the correct attitude when dealing with la migra:

I’ve been making the same comment on every article pointing out how shitty the Cybertruck is. I’ve made a LOT of them.

Hi, Ohio resident here. Ohio has a “choose life” license plate design....the idea that they won’t let this guy have his stupid, played out joke of a plate because it’s too political is quite hilarious. Because this state has no problem pushing conservative crap on us all the time. We can’t have a pro-choice, or

Pontiac actually had an identity until the day it died,

Whelp, looks like we’ve found the first reason not to buy a Cybertruck.

“Loved it”? In God’s name why? I was thrilled when they took this off the floor.

Fun fact- convertibles are only great if you have really short hair. Otherwise they’re a great way to get tangles and sunburn. They’re great in theory but they’re typically owned by someone who will mansplain to their passengers why “convertibles are great, actually.”

Yeah, but for people with graduate degrees (maybe we could incorporate Lancia).

So basically, Stellantis?