Sharaz Jek

At this point Elon is just Frank Grimes driven completely mad and running around making edicts, pushing random buttons, and screaming until he finally grabs those electric cables and puts an end to himself. And we’ll all breathe a sigh of relief when he does.

yup, we had almost 30 service appointments for monday but no service advisors to deal with them because we all got fired lol. not my chair not my problem

don’t even know how many weekend flat tire tow ins so probably 35 appointments but no customer facing service staff to deal with them

Another location laid off all front-of-house staff

one of my first hotwheels in the 80s was of a XJS jag coupe, when I was like 7 or 8, had a soft spot for that shape...

Anytime a reduction in force happens to be an incredibly round number, like 10% of employees, it’s a great indicator that it’s not the result of careful analysis identifying redundant/unnecessary jobs to eliminate, but more of a knee jerk process of trying to keep investors happy. And whenever that’s the way you run

Every automaker made a boring crossover that only comes in greyscale and costs 70,000 dollars and decided that showed Americans don’t like EVs.

If the fuel injectors don’t fit, you must the dealership-

Unions are actually good for a business, they provide a good way to keep employees motivated and in communication about how to improve the product. You only get problems when you set out to antagonize them or play dumbass power games with them.

I mean...yeah it might hurt my feelings if I were disabled and someone were making fun of my disability (and incidentally being a disabled is a likely reason he’s overweight).  I’m surprised that’s surprising to you.  

I say if any mainstream director has earned the right to have a weird-ass passion project film that might be a commercial flop as potentially his last hurrah - 60 YEARS after his directorial debut - it’s Francis Ford Coppola. Even a fiasco from Coppola would be better than many so-called successes. 

<David Lynch has entered the chat>

This is not how Coppola should end his directing career.

I’m definitely here for movies that transcend the good-bad dichotomy. Blonde was a recent example of a film like that; calling it “good” seems offensive to the very notion of “good” because it operates totally outside the bounds of good and bad, and I’m very glad it exists at all.

Man you didn’t have to do Heart of Darkness like that. If you haven’t read it since high school, you should give it another go because it’s brilliant and beautifully written. On an unrelated note, the same goes for The Scarlett Letter.

Never Say Never again is actually my favorite Bond movie, I just love how fun it is.

Acknowledgment to the Works of Harlan Ellison” has gotta be the most passive aggressive credits in cinema history. 

The actors also alleged that Stallone asked production to bring in “pretty young girls to be around me” instead.”

There is only one good thing about Morbius was the internet gaslighting Sony into thinking the movie had an audience because of ‘It’s Morbin’ Time’ and released the film again only to watch the movie bomb a second time at the box office.

The funny thing is is that NSNA is a much more watchable film than Thunderball, a movie Connery sleepwalks through.

I recall there’s a tiny people going into carpet scene in Mullholland Dr.