I’m old enough to remember the polling that showed there would be a red wave ahead of the 2022 midterms.
I’m old enough to remember the polling that showed there would be a red wave ahead of the 2022 midterms.
“ ‘Tell me about why should I do your movie.’” This apparently did not go over well in the room. “They were like, ‘Fuck you,’ And I was like, ‘Right on.’”
Leaving Joe Cocker off this list is just dumb. His cover is a transcendent reimagining of a dud song on a classic (critically uneven) album. Sure, it’s overplayed and, for some of us, permanently colored by its use as a popular 90's TV theme song. But it’s great and it permanently reinvented the general concept of a…
You don’t understand how political parties work. How many Republicans voted for Pelosi or Jefferies for speaker over the years?
Yep, that’s all stuff I missed. I appreciate the summation!
Oh boy! Been a long time since I had a good old fashion Warcraft Lore Argument!
Hey, at least we know they have all three parts of the story mapped out, which is an absolute step up from the sequel trilogy.
Weird that you would announce your next 3 Marvel phases at the same time and knowing Secret Wars is coming in 3 years. That’s like announcing the story of all three Lord of the Rings films at the same time.
To Thrall! The cause of, and solution to, all of Azeroth’s problems!”
It’s funny that you stopped at the 70's.
The Dale
All the excuses for groomers:
Al Pacino is still acting and he is still fully in charge of his faculties. He is 100% responsible for where he sticks his dick and for what results from it.
The relationship between Priscilla and Elvis was an abusive relationship that has been romanticized. While Priscilla certainly has played a role in helping that narrative, she was also the victim. And I imagine it is difficult to accurately characterize how much of a monster Elvis was when he was also the father of…
Pricilla spent years promoting her relationship with Elvis as some great love affair so Lisa Marie probably bought into that. That was what helped build the brand, the myth and kept Pricilla in the limelight.
The only thing that anyone in NC finds stunning is that the word was spelled correctly.
I am shocked, SHOCKED that Kinja is continuing to deteriorate.
Yeah. Every married man on Earth knows this one.
Always make sure you have a porn buddy. After you die, its their job to get rid of all your porn before your parents find it (lifetip from British sitcom “Coupling”).
Cut our the middleman. Hide the porn in the printer, since nobody can ever get it to work anyway.