The 500 in GT500 has nothing to do with engine displacement. It’s just a higher number than 350, which is just the amount of steps from one building to another where Shelby had his buildings
The 500 in GT500 has nothing to do with engine displacement. It’s just a higher number than 350, which is just the amount of steps from one building to another where Shelby had his buildings
SVX owner here. One thing I will say that the Pulsar has on over the SVX is the ability to hang out of the t-tops at 3am on copious amounts of LSD while your friend drives you around. Let’s just say I now know what it’s like to be a bird in flight.
True fact:
It sure sounds like a thing white people would pay to do.
Sometimes I think back fondly on the ‘80s; thanks for reminding me that it wasn’t all Slayer and Omni GLHs.
I flew out to San Francisco for my cousin’s wedding in September and thought it’d be cool to get a Mustang convertible and drive up and down Big Sur while I was there until literally every 5th person on highway 1 had the same fucking idea.
I would say Rodgers is mailing it in, but apparently no one’s received even a birthday card from him in years.
Will someone un-gray me?
It was a Mad Max style romp through the desert with a batshit insane assortment of cars and gorgeously done filming.
That’s an audience issue, not a driver issue, though. And unfortunately, the drivers sometimes pay the price for the perception of their audience. I thought it might change somewhat when Juan Pablo Montoya was involved for a few years but it did not.
996 Turbo is my beloved Porsche generation - due to headlight shape and those wheels.
The important thing to remember here guys is we have the better air force
I don’t think anyone is worried about his credentials or skill as a driver. Everyone is worried because his bits and lines were atrocious.
If this is true, I can’t believe he hasn’t come out yet. I mean, nothing screams “bastion of tolerance and understanding” like Green Bay, Wisconsin.
He didn’t attend his grandfather’s funeral—the same grandfather he once called before every game.
1. So glad the boys are back to their old antics. This comment is not a joke. I like it when they conveniently leave out facts to make a larger point or to entertain.
Looks like someone squeezed silly putty, which isn’t too far from the truth.
This confirms Jalopnik staff can always find something to whine about.