It’s okay. It arguably is the exception that proves the point
It’s okay. It arguably is the exception that proves the point
This is why we’re a Webex shop.
Make your girlfriend happy. It’s the safest play.
Keep in mind the first and original M3 was a 4-cylinder, and to this day, remains an incredibly well balanced and beautifully driven sports car. All of its “spiritual” successors have had engines all over the place from NA I6 to V8 to turbo I6, and most likely the next generation M3 will be a hybrid 4 cylinder (or…
I believe the point of this article is the general direction of this car’s design language, which is “conservative and understated” similar to the 1997 Lexus SC400.
I6 with Toyota durability? My last sports car purchase.
In my universe. You’re welcome to your opinion. A clean, honest design looks better than an overstyled mess of fake vents, creases, and wacky LEDs like the Prius and Camry.
Yes, very much in agreement. The African search for the Nile, and driving across Botswana were epic, as were the North Pole and criss-crossing South America in used SUVs. Seen all of them at least a dozen times, still find them entertaining.
...and not being able to fill their own shoes
On balance, the road trips were the best part of the show.... but really, it runs the full gamut. Top Gear was never better (IMHO) that the Vietnam special, but the absolute worst (and completely unwatchable) was the India trip.
We bought 2 new cars last month..
you get 18mpg with the tundra, max
I would argue a Civic Type R should look insane and exciting, while that is probably the last thing a Prius buyer wants!
In his view, the new Prius comes close to rivaling the Pontiac Aztek, a 2005-era sport utility vehicle often mentioned as one of the worst auto designs ever.
4th gear: Thank you. It’s like this. Remember that hippie girl in high school? She was the girl always talking about the environment and the animals. It was kind of annoying sometimes but it was kind of cute. And she wasn’t really that much of a looker. But you just always thought, one day if she would just do a bit…
So, they don’t want him because he’s an asshole. Clearly Jeff Kent was not consulted before they hired him.
Are we surprised that the Marlins let go of their best hitter?