Sharaz Jek

Happening to me too.  I have no patience for this fuckery.

Yep. I’ll give it a day or two, but then I’m gone.  It’s worse than useless.

Why would Ferrari do that, though? Having a “Ferrari Lite” division doesn’t really help them. Sure, they might move more volume, but they don’t need to care much about volume. And a cheaper line won’t have the revenue per car, and almost certainly will require more spending on support/etc.

Roger; ready to move out.

Needs more Lincoln Futura.

Years ago I watched a show on...fuck, I don’t know; one of those cable channels...about what the planet would be like if humanity just disappeared. “Fortunately,” the show said, “we have a practical example of this right now.” And then showed a ton of footage of Gary. I drove through it once just to see it, and wow.

Because these things — as are all things — are run by bean counters, not creative people. Bean counters don’t know how to make creatively successful choices. Marvel lucked into Feige and wisely kept their hands off (and, when they finally did want to interfere, Feige had the juice to get Disney to tell Perlmutter et

I get all the other negative terms applied to him, but why “autistic?”  Even if he is (and I don’t think he is but I’m not qualified to diagnose), what does that have to do with anything?

He didn’t start Tesla.

Yep, and I am here for it.

This is the Superman show I didn’t know I needed. Absolutely wonderful; I haven’t been this invested in a Superman property in ages. (I like Superman & Lois well enough, but not nearly as much as this.) I especially like that they didn’t draw the secret identity plotline out for multiple seasons.  And I like that the

Except Legends did everything they could to minimize Firestorm’s time doing Firestorm shit, to the point where they often separated the Prof and Jefferson (as in the team leader would assign one to a team without the other), which would never ever happen.

Despite the breathless headline, this...doesn’t seem like much of a story.  I get notices like this for my corporate phone at least 3-4 times a year: any time a major security vulnerability is found and patched, basically.

Yep.  Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

I don’t disagree; I was just pointing out a difference. Yes, if Apple wants to, they can take as long as they like iterating before the product turns a profit.

The iPhone was expensive and limited on features when it launched too. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Looks rough, but — and I know nobody agrees with me on this — the C3 Corvette is the best looking Corvette.

Agreed.  Also, her dad is a pastor, so she’s probably hating life at the moment.

Not sure I see the FDA’s culpability, here. This mess has been entirely caused by the DEA, and there really isn’t anything the FDA can do about it. (Having worked with people at the FDA, the rank-and-file absolutely do care. Can’t speak to leadership.)
