Sharaz Jek

Former tC owner here, and ABSOLUTELY AGREE.

For real!  Saw one on the tollway on Friday.  Putting aside the whole PS1-graphics thing, the proportions just, somehow.

Also, TIL Christmas is the perfect release window for a superhero-esque action movie (as opposed to, say, summer).

Same thing I told my kids when they were little: if your brother is annoying you, stop reacting and he will get bored and leave you alone.


You wanna be a judgey asshole, well, I can’t stop you.


Fortunately you kindly took the opportunity to explain to us ignorant Yankees what it really means.

Yeah, I’m done with you. I can’t believe you compared a minor character in a minor book to the most popular character in the most popular book Marvel had in the 80's.

“Intended?” By whom? Also, what does canon have to do with any of this?

No, he wasn’t in 97 because too many bigoted assholes like you would’ve pitched a complete fit.

Thanks!  Gonna watch it this weekend now.

Yeah, fair point.

So to review, reliability to you isn’t important, but what is important is lecturing people for their vehicle choices.

Right? A ton of “standard features” now were luxury features back in the day. Remember when “bucket seats” were considered optional? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Pepperidge Farm also remembers the plastic bench seats in PF’s father’s ultra cheap ‘78 Ford Fairmont, with the AM radio and crank windows, and how PF used to

I cannot begin to tell you how fucking sick I am of the “SUV owners are idiots; they should’ve gotten a minivan” bullshit attitude of Jalop and the commentariat.

What the actual fuck is an e-axle?

What is that from?

I’ll basically watch anything I find Natasha Lyonne in, so I consider this positive news for a movie I really hope gets everything right.

This.  Call me when Gunn makes a movie full of excessive slow motion and a lot of objectivism nonsense.