Sharaz Jek

Many would also say that the Earth is flat.  Stupid people are stupid.  Intelligent people know that’s an absolutely awful analogy, likely rooted in racism.

Same to be honest. I was ready to believe the cop did something shitty, but as I read the article, it’s hard to imagine what other options were present.

He’s obviously playing Willie Lumpkin.

I’d watch the fuck out of that episode.

LOL take your goddamned star you magnificent bastard

Bold of you to assume she can compose a letter.

an “inexplicable force traps a family of four inside their house indefinitely. As both modern luxuries and life or death essentials begin to run out, the family must learn how to be resourceful to survive

Ah yes, I remember now. And you had to wait for your carrier to push Android updates; is that still a thing?

Yep. My dad was an analyst for a commercial credit-rating agency, and he was ranting about this when I was young. He later acknowledged that it (as a trend) had gotten so much worse.

R&D is usually the first to go when corporations need to cut costs.

I don’t know if you’ve been in a new car in, say, the last decade or so, but they no longer come with double-DIN radios that you can just swap out. some point she’s gonna posses a Real Doll. That’s almost certainly the trajectory this franchise is going to head.

Manufacturers, possibly, but carriers?  I switched to iPhone a long time ago and have had a glitch-free experience.

All cops are fucking bastards.

I mean, you do you, but I prefer vehicles with some track record of reliability.  Not sure what “American cold rolled steel” has to do with that.


Ironcially, the better such systems work the more people over-rely on them, and begin to tune out, and drop their vigilance.

Mine works great; I have yet to have it brake at a ghost.

My car has the adaptive cruise control, where it maintains a specific distance from the car in front of me and matches speed. Sure enough, people will squeeze into that space, which makes my car slow down to recreate that space, and so on.

I worked from home for my current employer for 25 years. All of a sudden, RTO means even those who were full time WFH. Minimum 3 days a week, but even then, the two days that you spend WFH have to have “valid reasons.” I have to fill out a tracker every week to explain why I was at home. They are tracking both badge