Sharaz Jek

Remember when this very blog was taking shots at Toyota for their slow movement on BEVs?

The Dune is a great local media player but a shitty streamer. Advantages: lossless audio, FEL support (they claim anyway; haven’t tested it), the Dolby VS10 engine, and the ability to play ISO/BDMV files with full menu, etc. Disadvantages: terrible streaming app support, crude interface. I do not use it with Plex (not

Oh yeah; fuck that guy for sure.

My dad was an equities analyst, and I interned at a few financial companies over the years.  The market has never made sense to me; it’s like Twitch Plays Pokemon, only with money.

Yep.  My son (like 19 or 20 at the time) crashed a car (being an idiot) and got a speeding ticket.  Hired a lawyer for $175; lawyer got it reduced to online traffic school/no points, plus a court fee.  Easy peasy lemon squeezie.

Yes. Plus, any cop at any time might well decide to abuse his authority because he doesn’t like you.

I am told the Fire Cube does that now, but I haven’t verified it yet.

Depends on your use case. Roku has a nice simple interface, and it seems to be pretty reliable (looking at you, GoogleTV), but it’s missing some enthusiast features important to me (and other enthusiasts).

The same could be said about companies’ approach to R&D, sadly.

They all say it about every union contract...until they sign it, at which point they announce that they have generously partnered with the union etc. etc.

Yep, and that’s the beauty of DS9: even in Star Trek’s optimistic future, there are shades of grey everywhere, especially when war comes along.  Starfleet built a warship for the first time, Section 31 literally used biological warfare, and so on.  DS9 doesn’t paint any of this as purely good or evil, because very

Sweetie, you’re in a cult.

I think about that almost daily.

I could not agree more. DS9 was something very special, and it’s easy to foresee it being my favorite Trek series forever.

This right here. War often causes principles to fall by the wayside, and to see Sisko struggle with what he and Garak did just shows how strong the principles in Trek are.  

I sucked a man’s dangus until the milk came out.

Lighten up, Francis.

Yet another evil we can hang around Frank Miller’s neck.

Rashida Jones befriends a robot built by her late husband in images from Sunny, a “sci-fi mystery series” at Apple TV+.