Sharaz Jek

THANK YOU.  I struggle to see this particular move as anything but a good thing.  Or are we just shitting on all Nixon moves because Nixon?


OK, so for those of us who haven’t fallen for all this hipster vinyl nonsense, how about a CD?  Or even better, Blu-ray audio?

Can’t speak to the Telluride, but my girlfriend has a Sorrento and it has the old-fashioned foot pedal to engage/disengage the ebrake.

Oh good, enforcement tools with the reliability of Facebook’s AI moderators.  Can’t wait.

Yeah, this. Every mysterious female character is assumed to be the Rani.

To be honest, after The Naked Sun, the robot books don’t do much for me. Most of Asimov’s later works in both robots and Foundation just don’t appeal to me, and linking the two did not help. (Nor did the incredibly obvious authorial insert in the later Foundation books, where he gets to repeatedly fuck an incredibly

I’d argue that for all the former Gawker/GMG sites, the draw for me was always the comments. I’ve encountered some pretty cool people here. It’s far from the perfect comment system, sure, but I found that once they turned off comments on Deadspin, I stopped reading there. Same with The Root. And now Kotaku and The

Calling it a pun instead of a take-off changes literally nothing about this discourse.

Believe it or not, fans of both exist. I’ve been watching (and a fan of) Star Trek since the early 70's. Recently, I did a total watch-thru of SW in timeline order (so Ep1, Ep2, CW, Ep3, and so on).

Yes, thereby proving something that was (A) widely known, and (B) not remotely interesting.

Exactly. This could literally be the dumbest article I’ve ever read on a Gawker/GMG/etc. site. Yes, it’s a take-off of Hi-Fi, but Hi-Fi was short for High Fidelity. To say that WiFi doesn’t mean wireless, Matt, did you get paid for this article?

I think that description of Scott is a tad reductive. Yes, sometimes he is absolutely like that.

This right here. And I feel like that’s why almost everyone and their brother can crank out an enjoyable Batman movie, because Batman’s pretty easy to write. Superman is a challenge, and so is Scott.

Agreed.  All completely made of smoke.  But then again, I think the markets are poison.

I wish I could star this comment a billion times because that DRIVES ME CRAZY. Especially shitty apps that, when you finish watching something, put the cursor somewhere random and you have to hunt for it.

I love musicals, and I hope this movie is as batshit (har) insane as I think it might be.

LoT started out week, but once they revamped the cast and decided to embrace being batshit insane, it was a hoot.

This exactly.  AoS went from solid/meh to a really fun show, and I’d totally watch a revival.

I mean, the writing was awful, or at the very least, hackish. This is unsurprising, since JJ Abrams is a hack.