Sharaz Jek

Roy Scheider will make sure of it.

I’m not sure it ruins his career, even if the film sucks. Dude’s got Star Wars (possibly the best Star Wars ever) and GoT on his resume, and that doesn’t even touch Last of Us.

I think his career is safe, even if MCUFF bombs, but yeah.

This merger seems to be going the way of many all other mergers, with fewer options for consumers and higher prices.

All I know is, thank god we’re not getting the yellow/red monstrosity. 

A hack.

Should have been “Deadpool Kills the MCU”

As opposed to all those non-buggy OS releases on other platforms?

With good reason.

Yeah, for the love of Christ please do NOT put me into a guardianship run by a fucking bank.


That’s what you get when you don’t have alleys.  Every time I go to NYC on business (so lower Manhattan or midtown), I am stunned at the sheer amount of trash just sitting on sidewalks like that.

Or if you are driving, it’s Tri-State to the Stevenson, off at Ogden and drive straight until you hit the airport.  Easy-peasy.

Oh my god, Peoples Express.  Nothing like flying from Chicago to Florida via fucking Newark.

Elon still won’t let you suck his dick.

First of all, the fact that you work with Sensitive Personal Information from home is not a big deal. Ask me how I know.

Yep; people are different and thrive in different environments.

My father was an investment/equities analyst for a long time. He once told me that the highest cost of doing business was ego.

So what you’re saying is that when return on investment to shareholders is out of the equation (non-profit) companies are capable of making decisions which actually benefit their staff?

I think in a very well-run company that’s probably true. Unfortunately, those are rare, because (amongst other things) the markets disincentivize that sort of stability.