Sharaz Jek

I’m with you there, Pepperidge Farm.

Assuming they even bother with anything more than a made-up rationale that is tissue thin; the 5th Circuit almost seems to enjoy flaunting its lawlessness.

My ex had to do the open MRI, as the traditional tunnel-style would freak her out to the point of hysteria.  And even with the open MRI, I had to hold her hand the entire time.

Pepperidge Farm has an excellent memory, but has apparently forgotten in the interim that automatic transmissions generally are more efficient, faster, and have a higher gear count than manuals nowadays.

So, you’re not a lawyer, then?

Absolutely agreed, though given their behavior over the last several years, it’s not hard to imagine Texas becoming some kind of Musk-dick-sucking corporate haven.

Yep. Hell, where I work, even those who were full time WFH before the pandemic are being mandated to return to office.  Don’t live near one of the offices designated as a “hub?” Move or quit; those are your options.

Do we have any idea if Nvidia is still developing the SOC, as they did with the Tegra for the Switch?

Just don’t be lobbing scimitars at anyone.

Didn’t BJ do this to Charles Emerson Winchester III?

The only fix IMO is to completely remove money/donations from politics. A tax-funded pool of cash should be the only available campaign money, split equally among the legally-qualified candidates on the ballot. Then, completely eliminate lobbying.

Yeah, no. That’s not how the international labor market works. Try again, only this time add in things like cost of living.

Yeah, really.  I wouldn’t consider this list “curated” in any significant manner.

Aww, now I want that.

Alien Nation wasn’t a bad TV show, especially for early Fox Network.

I don’t think anyone is above criticism...I mean even Mother Theresa had her detractors, right?

It’s like they’re required by law to break something relating to Kinja and then never, ever fix it.

Nobody ever actually said or wrote that.  You know that, right?

Yeah, my first thought was, “Can anything truly be said to be starring Michael Paré?”

“Too great a cost” means the victory was not worth the price paid. Is that really what happened here? Had Starfleet not defeated the Borg at Wolf 359, Earth would now be a planet filled with nothing but Borg.