Sharaz Jek

Unpopular opinion: Airplane and Police Squad! were fantastic. The Naked Gun movies were trash.

Alternate timelines are commonplace in Hollywood.


That doesn’t make a lick of sense.  You can’t just change your name to get out of a contract.  There are many laws that prevent this very thing.

That doesn’t change what I said in the least. That says they can stop paying residuals on content that they pull from the service.

What you said:

Functional artwork is not a new concept.  But thanks for the gatekeeping attempt.

That doesn’t make any sense. Any content developed as a streaming original is paid for like any other streaming-only show. Any content developed for/broadcast on the linear channel gets paid for like any broadcast content.

In what world is mid-50's not more affordable than mid-80's?

If I were a studio exec (but one who willingly paid the creatives properly), I would greenlight the FUCK out of this.

Glad I could help.

If you say “my cocaine” out loud, you sound like Michael Caine saying his own name.

It’ll be like the second spaceship in that Simpsons episode where Homer and Bart end up on a ship with Tom Arnold, etc.

Our initial launch editions are highly contented with features

I mean, I was certainly not prepared to rule it out.

Mine was relatively tame, and tbh the guy in the comments who mentioned India should win everything, but here we go.

The only thing missing from your description is that there are more than just pedestrians and vehicles that need to be in your ranking system description.

Ex smoker here, and in my personal experience, smokers generally have no idea how much all that shit smells, because they smell it all the time so it’s part of their baseline. It’s like living next to an interstate and never hearing the traffic.

Way to help dox yourself, lol.

Oh hell yeah.  When I worked for a Netware retailer, we would do after-hours tournaments!