Sharaz Jek

Came here to say the same. Metropolis 100% belongs on the list.

Or this means she’ll be seen on location.  Not everyone can do one short scene in a closed set like Jack did.  You can’t hide people on location.

Good lord.  That’s insane.

You could not possibly be more wrong.

OMG, any of the attempts to put the instrument cluster in the center so they could more cheaply make both LHD and RHD vehicles are god-awful.


Sorry you work with shitty people.  My numbers are higher when I WFH.

If you’re a homeowner, sure property tax would go up, but so does your equity.  (Also, higher property taxes often lead to better schools in the area, which again pumps up your house’s value/equity.)

Besides, only a minority of jobs in this country can even be done on your living room couch at all. Or do you really think that every job in this country consists of sitting around in a cubicle answering phone calls?

Going back to office is a dumb fucking idea to everyone except micro-managers and fragile-ego executives.

Boo fucking hoo. There’s no good reason to go back to office, and your real estate prices are especially not a good reason.

I don’t even know where to begin with your nonsense.

I have at least one family member that swallowed all of his insanity.  I just don’t get it.

I’m not buying an EV because they’re modern cars. I won’t buy ANY car made after 1985. I don’t want computers in my car. I don’t want gadgetry. I hate the styling, the ride, the visibility, the cramped interiors of modern cars. I refuse to buy an automatic transmission.

I once transported four full loads of Apple II equipment in my old Sienna.


Was gonna post the same thing.  I have no idea what that sentence was supposed to mean.  The only thing I can guess is that the Chief improperly voided the arrest of an officer who threatened children with a gun.

Starred for “drilldo.”

Poor guy.  Doomed to spend eternity with Patty and Selma.

The world is a better place without that nutbag.