Sharaz Jek

You are a person of taste.

I think the Republicans have demonstrated that they don’t give a damn about their candidates’ backgrounds, because their base certainly doesn’t.

Why would they?

Yep.  I took someone I know to PP for an abortion, and the protestors were all horrible and nasty to her as we walked to the building.  They weren’t trying to have gentle conversations.  They were screaming obscenities.

“If she hadn’t been there to murder a baby, she wouldn’t have been shot! This is about protecting the unborn child!”

It becomes an antitrust issue if the production costs that Netflix was being given were inflated to create a decision to cancel the order just for Disney to simply restart production cheaper in house to then compete with Netflix’s distribution platform.

How would that end up as an antitrust issue?

Not sure about the Elvis thing, but I lusted after Mary Marvel (as depicted by Don Newton) as a youngster

LOL you’ve seen the raw survey data then?

Because that’s what the surveys showed.  Why?  Who knows?  

The auto survey?  I’m way certain it goes into more detail than “did you have a problem with your car?”

CR has admitted that they are particularly hard on manufacturers infotainment systems (except for the two automakers they’re particularly biased towards). There has been this massive push to make everything a menu button on that infernal screen. With that, it’s failure renders a LOT of the car’s systems inoperative.

Uh huh.

lol @ another Musk stan that doesn’t understand humor.

Glad I’m not the only one who still calls him that.  I’ll never get used to calling him Shazam.

“Oh look! This way cool Twitter account shows me exactly where he is! He’s within a few miles of LAX.”

That’s better than everything my brain has been workshopping this morning.

Yeah, I’m betting we’ll see the F.

Well I loved the first one; a total action blast with insane musical numbers! So I’m there for RRR2 or whatever they call it.

I mean, fair.