Sharaz Jek

LOL what? What circles would those be?

He has no other way to try and re-capture relevance.  He’s gonna keep shouting about Spawn until he convinces some soft-headed studio exec to greenlight some inadequately-funded thing that will surely populate those bargain bins near the checkout at hardware stores around the midwest.

Liz Taylor and Richard Burton?

Love the sexy Ethernet cables.

7. He took too much Ambien

Makes you wonder how bad the CSAM problem is on Truth Social or whatever garbage platform those assholes are using.

I think the cast is variable. I thought Pine was fine once they toned down the Tex Avery-style drooling over women. My least favorite was probably Zachary Quinto; his Spock seemed a bit too snide for my tastes.

I’d be OK with that, but if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be fine too.

Agreed.  Trek movies succeeded (though obviously inconsistently) when they were smaller films that didn’t have tentpole expectations.  But overall I think Trek lends itself much better to TV/streaming.

That show was better than it had any right to be, especially in later seasons when they just decided to go nuts and blow up the Earth etc.

If I can’t argue about canon on the Internet then wtf am I supposed to do during meetings?

UGH I hate that nonsense! I’ve gotten in an argument on IO9 more than once about that. They’re canon, people. They’re in the MCU. Yes, even Iron Fist. Yes, even Agents of SHIELD. 

This thread has aged beautifully.

He nearly stood up to the vicious Chicken of Bristol though.

Disney thinks it won’t be a problem to merge D+ and Hulu, once 2024 rolls around and they can buy out Comcast’s share.

To paraphrase a remark made by lightninglouie, The Dirty Dozen, but with Supervillains, in an expensive Troma film.

That’s traditionally been WB’s approach.  The problem is when they let people like Snyder be “creative.”

I have the non-NEO and it’s pretty awesome.

I have the non-NEO and it’s pretty awesome.

I have the non-NEO model, and I adore it.  If I had a spare $1800 laying around, I’d order this right now.

I have the non-NEO model, and I adore it.  If I had a spare $1800 laying around, I’d order this right now.

SAME.  The connection (tenuous as it is) to the Batman mythology is the least important aspect of the show.  Well, other than it’s fun to imagine stodgy old Alfred kicking ass and banging Queens.