Sharaz Jek

Hold on there, Satan.

Yeah I almost need to go back and watch some older episodes to cleanse my palate. (I’ve officially stopped washing the show as of a couple of episodes. It’s hard for me to stop a show for ASD/OCD reasons, but I just realized I am miserable watching it.)

I don’t think he’s like the greatest Flash ever or anything, but he’s solid, and would probably thrive if he got material better than the stuff the poor guy has to deal with on that show these days.

It’s also possible that they are getting therapy, but therapy doesn’t always have instant results.  Alternatively, they are in therapy because Warner pushed for it, but they think it’s a waste of time and aren’t listening or doing the work.

upping the anty

upping the anty

Lotta bigoted Star Trek fans who haven’t seemed to notice they’re watching a show full of socialists and progressives. I saw an article proclaiming that Star Trek was now going where no Star Trek had gone before: woke politics.

Also we should really just have an IRS tax website where you do your taxes without having to use a 3rd party. the 3rd party sites are literally just providing a Graphic User Interface (GUI) for inputting the various numbers on the tax form the IRS provides them. they provide nothing of value beyond that and it’s why

The mother explains, TO HER OWN DAUGHTER WHO IS NO MORE THAN 10 YEARS OLD, that she was named after the place she was conceived, which is Savannah. Whomst the hell would tell their child that.

Here’s another reminder that Young Justice S4 Part 2 has been airing for some time now and, in fact, has a total of 2 episodes left to air.

Read the last article. It’s fucking amazing.

No it won’t.  His mantra is that this is all staged; all you’ll do is convince him that the “enemy” is going all in on their fakes.

We will have to agree to disagree. Joss Whedon (who is no longer even involved in the MCU) has an opinion. There’s nothing official about it. He even says “as far as I’m concerned,” which IMO isn’t the clear and definitive statement you think it is.

I mean, you can keep repeating that, but there’s been nothing definitive in the movies that contradict AoS.  An absence of Coulson appearing isn’t proof of anything.

Yep.  Lived there for a decade, and I miss that weather so so much.  Unfortunately I now live in one of those the-air-hurts-my-face places.

Confirmed.  For a while, my oldest daughter owned a Geo Metro convertible.  When she went away to college, she let me drive it.  Yeah, it’s small and hilariously gutless.  Yeah, you can touch all four windows from the driver’s seat.  But put the top down and drive around San Diego, and you, my friend, will have a

Math is hard.

Better: give Alligator Loki their own series!

Agents of SHIELD was pretty clearly not in the MCU (or at least the 616) when it first made.

Fair! I just want one. A 1970 hardtop Electra Limited was my first car and as a teenager I adored it. Oh sure, it was unsafe as fuck and got 7.5 mpg. But I could squeeze 7 or 8 people into it, and fit a 10-speed bike in the trunk (and the trunk would close).

I want one, in Electra form.