Sharaz Jek

It’s possible, but you have to want it.

Never ascribe to maliciousness that which can be explained by incompetence.

Yes, I would agree with that.  “This would be a cool lightsaber scene” seems to be about where his thought process goes.

I agree with basically everything you’ve written here.

Well if that doesn’t sum up Dino’s cinematic sensibilities, then I don’t know what does.

I never thought he was a Spielberg, but early on I thought he showed some promise. Even the first Star Trek film was somewhat enjoyable, if empty-headed.

What made his Batman work so well was that he did play it completely straight.  Hell, the whole cast did.

Also, Matchstick Men. That was fantastic too. (Though not as good as Raising Arizona.) And what about Leaving Las Vegas?

60's are Silver Age, but they both started in the Golden Age.

Ah, OK; that makes sense.  Thanks!

Absolutely.  And like other titans, he kicked off a sea change in artistic styles in comics (just like Neal Adams did).

Agree with everything you’ve said, except I’m unclear on why you included “pro-BDSM.”

Depending on your artistic preferences, he may not be the GOAT, but by god, he’s in the team photo.

Innovation dies when the capitalists vampirize the population too enthusiastically. Elon upsetting their apple cart periodically just feels good, in a karmic way.

Somehow Fox is still fucking up the X-Men franchise.

Which is saying something.

I mean...I’d watch that.

Except that every single public company is beholden to the market. Which incentivizes very short-term thinking, because all the market gives a fuck about is the next quarter’s earnings report. If companies want to do long-term planning, they have to convince the market, or else the share price is punished. Companies

Apparently, people watch this show, because it’s coming back.

Well gosh, that doesn’t sound manipulative at all.