Sharaz Jek

The market is the financial equivalent of Twitch Plays Pokemon, but the joke is that they’re steering the entire fucking economy.

Dunno whose bag that is, but I wanna party with them.

I’d wait to judge until we see the movie proper.  Trailers on YouTube are not always accurate; this may have been cut before final grading.  And that’s not even taking into account the garbage YouTube compression.

“Elon is distracted. He’s got a lot of things going on. He’s involved in a lot of different endeavors,” said Gene Munster

Agreed. I grew up around Chicago, and the first time I went to NYC, I was stunned. Walking downtown around all of the gleaming business towers...oh look, 18 smelly bags of trash piled up right in front!

This.  My first car was a 1970 Electra.  You could put a 10-speed bike in the trunk and close it.  Plus, that 455!

I’ve seen this before and it is spectacular.

You get a star for mentioning the absolutely incredible Sleuth.

Yeah, I mean, Robinhood is almost certainly terrible and may well be scummy, but for the love of Christ, deposit your paychecks into a bank or (better yet) credit union. Banks suck badly, but they’re still better than this place.

Hey, some of us are busy, you know.

Agree.  Personally I would miss things like college rivalries and such, but I’m fine with losing that if it means the athletes get what they deserve.

I agree with everything you say here, and can only add that we know goddamned why it hasn’t happened: the NCAA has and will fight any such suggestion tooth and nail (for obvious reasons).

This is the best tip. McDonald’s straws are fucking prime.

Or maybe just pay the goddamned athletes instead of weird deferred payment schemes.

Love me some Asimov.  Also, isn’t he the one who said that the most common phrase uttered just before a big discovery isn’t “Eureka!” but “that’s funny...”?

Agreed. It’s nonsense from top to bottom. And yet, it’s not the worst episode of the season! (That honor goes to In the Forest of the Night.)

written by Peter Harness (Doctor Who)

but it still is a sore subject with the vast majority of fans

Oh fuck you, you hilarious bastard.