Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

Funny enough, if there’s three people that are going to be left in jail because of their father it’s gonna be them:

I don’t have any questions.

You don’t have any questions....

Derrick Rose and DNP (Coach’s Decision)

Kevin Durant and Dreymond Green would be a lethal 2 man team in a full or half court game


46 points, 22 boards and blocks.. he was getting it done at both ends

Should Gronk be threatened by this? I want to say there’s room for two here.

OJ Simpson?

In replacement of my attendance, please accept this picture of my civic I was going to bring. It does have the 6spd so dont worry

Gonna be interesting to see what this team ends up looking like when IT finally played. Never a good thing when you replace Kyrie Irving in the starting lineup with the Ghost of Derrick Rose and Iman “20 min, 0 pts, 5 TO” Shumpert.

Giselle welcome to deadspin!!!

The funniest thing about this is that there’s 100x more evidence to suspend zeke than there ever was to suspend Brady- whose 4 game suspension (over a goddamn phone lol) Jerry was soooooo stoked on. Eat shit Jerry. Actually go eat that shitty Papa John’s pizza while youfuck yourself with the American flag.

A mysterious series of lightning bolts striking both Goodell and Jones simultaneously.


Thank you for doing these, seriously. It’s a lot of work and it’s important. I hope that your work is going well and I’ll look forward to the updates on Fridays!

UK Update:

Every once in awhile Kinja gets broken and each time I click the star it deducts one star from the post. I like to click them down to zero before I give up my godlike abilities, reload the page and begrudgingly award them a single star.