Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

Florida: hold my beer.

This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.

Talk about riding the rails, amirite?!?!?!?!?

Can we just take a moment to focus on the real issue: Are white allies getting too little credit, or not enough credit?

Now playing

He will be as quick to condemn White Supremacists as he is to condemn Putin.

I’m still in disbelief that we’re apparently issuing governmental policy via 140 characters on a third-party private service.

It’s not an apples to apples comparison and you know it. Zeke Elliott is, at the very least, a pretty good football player. He’s a shitty human, but an NFL team also has a pretty big incentive to keep him around because of what he can do with the ball in his hands.

Don’t tread on me!

But by all means, beat the piss out of my sister.

I agree. I’m fine with players hitting and raping women. But don’t disrespect Merica.

Lucky for this bar brawling, boob-grabbing domestic abuser that he didn’t take a knee during the anthem, or his career would be over.

A close call, I think we can all agree.

Holy shit, that’s incredible. James Jones was still on the Cavs last year?

Won’t lie, I wish I could go days at a time without talking to my coworkers.

This is quality, passive-aggressive shade. Well done.

Do you not understand how this series works?

Damn, being a Patriots fan must be tough.

I love these articles but being a Patriots fan it’s always such a bummer having to wait so long for you guys to get to them.

Jordan’s response is on point:

Take aim at good grades.

Am I being a homer, or did these fan submissions blow other teams’ out of the water? 

“Pegula” sounds like the world’s worst erotic horror film.