Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

Deadspin’s continued hate for Sam Hinkie is one of the weirdest things. I’m a Bulls fan and I would trade the Bulls roster for the Hinkie-built Sixers one in a heartbeat. I think most other fans of mediocre-to-bad teams would say the same.



I still think FIFA and Formula 1 still crush the NFL in terms of corruption, hatred for their fans, and general desire to destroy the sports they purport to regulate.

Wtf is this

Saw this on twitter and it made me sad.

We’ve reached a sad point in our national discourse when we’re patting Alex Jones on the head for admitting Hillary Clinton wasn’t part of a child sex-trafficking ring hosted in the basement of a D.C. pizza parlor.

Now I have to live with the fact that I re-watched a Youtube video for the sole purpose of looking for a robot scrotum. Thanks for that. Thanks.

This is the same state that gave us Kim Davis and Mitch McConnell. Get your shit together, Kentucky.

Why fix your broken ice breakers when you can kill the EPA and enact measures that will quickly melt the ice in the Arctic ?

Icebreakers are pretty unique in terms of shipbuilding and they are kinda pricey actually. I mean, compared to most military boondoggles its a bargain, but still pricey.

Brown people don’t come from the coasts to steal our lettuce picking jobs.

I still don’t see how focusing efforts on a 1,954 mile Mexican border wall and defunding the Coast Guard is going to help protect our 12,383 mile border along the coast...

This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.

Sooooo... No to Meals on Wheels, no to Arts, no to healthcare, no to school lunches, but yes to a wall that doesn’t work for a problem that doesn’t exit and mostly runs through virtual deserts, wild nature and no man’s land being pretty.

Senate Democrats have threatened a government shutdown if this idiot plan proceeds.

the wall will be 30 feet tall