Supreme Chancellor and Glorious Leader SaveTheIntegras

You mean like the Cuban missile crisis when we didn’t go to war?

WW2 reenactment.

Of course not.

“If Trump is wise, he will recognize this and work toward the same.”

If we have a NATO in five years.

Refugee status on my green card at the time

Poland is a member of NATO, so...

nope, just one specific part of it.

Trump has made about a gazillion empty claims since taking office, including scolding GM for building cars for Mexico, in Mexico. lol

See: every other claim Trump has made, ever.

“You cant play chess with a pidgeon.

SNL should have Obama on as a guest host and have him read Trump quotes verbatim like they did with Sara Palin.

Shut your mouth, you.

Google Translate needs a “Trump” function.

And vice-versa. The parallels are getting creepy.

We’ve had some great success with the Wright brothers. Tremendous success. Before DJT got involved, they just made bicycles. Sad!

He’s going to walk on water soon. I can just feel it.

How dare you inject politics into a story about military procurement.

Kim Jong Un could die of heart disease and Trump would take credit for it. What a chode.