
I was only on the site to to figure out how to stay away from the site. 

Leave it to baseball to finally get some buzz into a postseason only to torpedo it before Game 1. 

he looks like donald trump jr on purpose

Username/comment synergy is always greatly appreciated.

This is more embarrassing than my unintentional smear campaign against Sports Illustrated when Kathy Ireland was on the cover.

Ntilikina is good at two things: point of attack defense, and pick and roll defense. He is bad at everything else.

Not if it's daily fantasy, which I'm guessing is the case. The top daily fantasy players can pull in five figures per week.

He's actually standing in this picture. 

Good lord.

Exactly who I pictured, and then verified with a google search:

Please let there be a Marlins or Canes story in the works right now.

Deadspin Article incoming:

Wait does he think Riley and Spoelstra’s careers start at the Lebron years? That’ll be one yike from me

The trick to not getting caught is to take your nap under the desk...

We want to extend a nation-wide heartfelt gratitude to Houston and D.C. for saving us from a Fall Classic befouled by the Yankees and Cardinals. The Yankee team is stocked with actually decent men, save for the petulant and perfidious Sanchez. For one example, Judge is not only a great player but seems like an

Unions don’t care about individuals unless they are like LeBron James.

it’s an individual issue and not a league wide one because the union has made it that way.

Agreed.  Everyone knows stuff from China is propping up LeBron these days.

How did Kevin Durant lose height without shoes??

Sure, it might be easy for an 8-year old to climb, and for an actively juggling man to climb. But what about an actively juggling 8-year old? I’m guessing it will be HELL on them, and given what I know of the demographics of border crossers, that should eliminate 95% of our problem.