
Shit Rudy T and Daly, you’re right. Sloan too maybe. Suffering from some recency bias here I guess.

Yea absolutely agreed. It’s impossible to translate across eras similar to the Jordan / LeBron think, but you’re right he has to be in the discussion. Maybe that bumps Kerr to five with red in the top three

Not being snarky or anything, who do you think is better? Would you rather have five years of what Kerr has just done, or 30 years of Larry brown?

Sorry to hear that man. And that is a very good song.

I really hate the warriors. Hate with a passion.  But even I can agree that Kerr is probably the third or fourth best coach ever. I think it goes Phil Jackson, Greg Popovich, pat riley, and then Kerr. He’s an amazing coach.

Didn’t need to say it, but they just got what they deserved

There is no longer anything noble in the world we occupy. Once you accept that, this won’t upset you so much.

That’s what they all say

Kevin Durant is definitely reading this.

Why don’t you stop fucking around and do a Simpson’s thing again. I’m honestly asking. What the fuck are you doing man. Don’t waste this

I watched this match. The single most entertaining thing to me was how absolutely f**** livid pissed Thiem looked to lose. I really appreciate his gusto but come on man, that wasn’t happening. It led me into a deep, deep spiral of understanding why my boss and her boss and all of the world can’t accept loss. It was

That’s the important thing. Hands up. Man and ball. Slap the floor. Defense.

“Dwayne needs a radio Gaga,” “Dwayne is contemplating his existence,” “dwayne is being nice” or whatever

Ah, rough day for me

That’s my thought too. Even if cruise is fake tough he’s still got like technical skills just from all of that. Bieber I would picture as more of just a straight up brawler and if he landed one it’d probably be over. But cruise is such a sociopathic maniac that if you gave him like two months to train for it I bet he

I may be wildly confused but by definition you can’t lose up 3-1 before winning down 1-3 in a single playoffs,  can you?

There’s definitely the age factor. I’m a bit surprised the beebs is that heavy a favorite. I’m enamored by this. I really think cruise would win. I doubt with all of my might Justin Bieber has ever been in a real fist fight. I feel like cruise has.

It’s aliens. Just like that airplane. They still haven’t found it

Why are you making this about religion?

This is all well and good but when do we get the blog on Bieber wanting to fight Tom cruise. I’m sorry but the fact that I can type “Justin Bieber wants to fight Tom cruise,” with no sarcasm, makes me feel fucking alive.