
We also came to the same conclusion- 400 wpm is about as fast as most people get. Though I will say that significant variances occur depending on the what you're reading and why you're reading. Easy to read fiction like say...Harry Potter, Hunger Games, the Hobbit, or the Fountainhead, 4-500 wpm or even higher

I took this in Malibu, CA with my Moto X

Good question. I believe he's talking about conversational fluency.

You realize this is a calculator (as noted in the title and post) that's customized to your area if you bother to click through to it, right?

In researching this, I read someone say "Facebook is alcohol, Google+ is coffee." They both are two different beasts, I think, in terms of the kinds of people you meet (mostly strangers with shared interests vs. people you already know), the kinds of content that's shared, and why you would use them. All of the social

Ah yes, the much needed caveat (no snark, its true!!) of the "when handled correctly". That's the difference between helpful and hurtful for sure.

haha, yeah, I keep things as simple as humanly possible. If I do bring my laptop, it's just my laptop—but more often than not I'd rather have my iPad and a keyboard

I don't read as much as I'd like to, but I'll usually take an afternoon break from screens and do some reading. I also read at night before bed and on the weekends.

Stop it now, I really mean it!

That page (of my to-do list) is actually yellow - I ripped it off. But, you're right: it doesn't look yellow in the pic. Maybe I'm color blind and I've been using the wrong colored pads this entire time?

No, Lifehacker'd ;)

Used to drive my kids crazy with "Don't think about your thumbs!"

Apparently the App Store says it's iOS 6 and above, so you may be in luck!

Great suggestion!

Vinegar is a major ingredient for a lot of cuisines (including Filipino food). Thanks for mentioning these!

Luckily for Kendrick, his employers don't understand the concept of amnesty, either.