GR1M RACER : Wrong Most of the Time

Wake up, sheeple!

Meanwhile, the other skier Michael cut off is in good shape to, and is expected to make a full recovery.

I still can't believe that Indy Lights finish. I had forgotten about it until now. Absolutely superb.

Watching the mechanic go over the heads with a wire brush made me cringe.

Crazy? YES.

The gun i made on guncrafter.

"Time to bring the heat to those damn satanic lesbians!"

I fixed it for you

"What's hotter than a blazing red Pinto?"

Stop. Please. Just stop. Let the Alien series just die in peace. I mean I know there are people that want more Alien games, but why? Why I ask you? Is it the belief that if you do something bad enough times probability states you will have something good pop out at least once?

people who ruin a C3 corvette with a bad conversion make me furious

Meanwhile its 75 and awesome here in Florida. Sure we have crazy people, but I've never had to drive with white stuff (what is that by the way?) all over the roads

Forza 5 says differently.