
I was wondering when Kotaku would do a piece on this. This game is still in Beta, I think but it's quite addicting. Maybe cause I love Dark Souls and Ascend somewhat reminds me of it. Oh and there's no death penalty so you can basically play naked and not have to deal with the high repair costs.

Yeah, it is frustrating. But then I started to just forget about the invader, finish the dungeon, then go reclaim any lost areas.

Sounds like Cebuano. (Philippines, central and southern language) They love their DOTA.

Dark Souls is a beautiful game. It's challenging in it's learning curve but ultimately quite fair. Except for those damned Archers the first time through, they can both go to hell.

I've been trying to remember the name of this damned game for years! Now I can finally get some sleep

One of the best games ever made and I still remember it fondly. Sigil, the Lady of Pain, Morte, etc. Loved that game so much that I thought a friend would enjoy it too and he probably did since I haven't gotten it back in more than a decade.

I just finished watching episode 12 about an hour ago. It's a good series and I'm glad that isn't just a reskin like most the anime out there though the characters are certainly quite familiar.

lol, my brother and I used to watch this. Even though I loved playing MtG I still didn't have a clue on why ESPN would have it on.

I've always felt that this event was just the after-party for EVO. A chance for the FGC to relax in the sun, party at the clubs, and play a tourney.

My nephew plays it, watches it on Twitch, and now has a Steve costume all ready for NYC Comincon. He just turned 6. He plays with his parents and is a cry baby when he's left alone in the game, lol.

I think the figure in the shadows might have been a Thin Man. They're the infiltration unit for the aliens. Though the clown was pretty damned creepy. ugh.

I can't stop playing XCOM.

Every time i see their logo. Man oh man. I need to get my head out of the gutter.

hearing "Combo Breaker!" ever other second... sigh

It annoys me that the Xbox app for Twitch has a 30sec delay compared to the live stream online

I day dream about unplayed team combinations for MvC3. I suck at that game, but I love watching it, lol.

It's on Twitch and here's the schedule. I can't wait for this weekend!

The Finals are usually uploaded online the quickest so you're not going to miss it and can watch when you are able. Best wishes on your mission.... you aren't westboro baptist church are you? lol

Anyone else hungry? I guess you have to be pinoy. Don't google this image if you don't want to know what it is, but it's goooooooddd!