
Not in that picture, no.

Pictured left to right: Jay Baruchel, a woman, Tom Holland, some guy I’ve seen before, and another guy.

Evil Space Manger? The answer is obvious: Evil Space Jesus.

Wow, Transformers have been around for a long time!

Delta Delta Delta’s gonna help ya help ya help ya!


“Who did you do this for?”
“Only you. Well, only to distract you while I hit on your aunt.”

It seems like Tony sat down and said “ok, what do I know about this kid? He’s into photography and he likes spiders.” And then he just went cRaZy!!

“My point being IO9's opinion never had to be yours” Right, but my point is I couldn’t form an opinion until NOW, because the show dropped TODAY.
“it seems like you felt it was forced upon you” No, just presented to me. 
“it’s not the first time I’ve seen that.” Ok. 
“The idea that this is some kind of hivemind we all

Yeah; it will be interesting to see if it is that bad, or if people just want it to be bad for some other reason.

Right. The day I blindly follow what io9 says is the day I become a sad hollow shell of a person.

While I’d never employ those adverbs myself, I’ll accept them; sure. Thanks.

Right, or judging a movie by it’s ads. Lots of good movies have bad marketing campaigns; that doesn’t mean they’re bad movies. Critical reviews are just other people’s opinions. Like assholes, everyone’s got one. I myself am also familiar with the medium and genre, and studied media criticism. The usefulness of

I...suppose, but that opinion would be based on an amount of information that is less than total. Like judging a book by its cover. It would be a shallow and superficial opinion.

Well it would be odd to do so before seeing the show. Cart before the horse and all that.

So happy Iron Fist finally dropped. Now I can form my own damn opinion.

Because it’s a fun word to say. Like TED Talk.

Right. Like The Golden Palace or After M*A*S*H*.

Works for The Flash!

“Actually, the Mayor is supposed to administrate the town.”
“You’re fired.”