
Apart from destroying people on Twitter, which really seems to have you riled up, she’s talked about actual, ya know, policy (Green New Deal, higher marginal tax rate).

Fighting a two front war with your own party and the GOP is why the GOP has 2.5 out of 3 sections of the Federal government.

Ding ding ding ding. I don’t think the faux pas taken in isolation is overly concerning (although it was deeply, deeply stupid, and she should apologize to the Cherokee Nation), but I think it bodes terribly for what her strategy might be in dealing with Trump. Don’t engage with him on the dumb shit, because that’s

A few Obama/Biden memes is enough for these drones to gloss over, ya know, actual shit (his treatment of Anita Hill, eliminating bankruptcy protections for student loans, voting for both the Patriot Act and the Iraq War)

Fuck a purity test. All I’m asking for is a presidential candidate who didn’t vote for the Iraq War. 

Probably that she’s only “progressive” as far as its politically expedient? Dick Durbin’s progressive credentials comfortably trump Warren’s.

the most progressive member of the Senate? Lmao she was a Republican until 1996. 

Also, Arizona is an increasingly purple state. I don’t think centrists should get credit for changing demographics

No, they don’t. Not when they supported the thing that made their opponents so unpopular (the Iraq War). Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, and Schumer all voted for the thing that sunk the Republican party in the mid 00's. Real visionaries 

Lmao you mean the West Virginia Dem who lobbies his ass off for coal and voted for Brett Kavanaugh? What a shining win for centrist Dems

It allows someone to masquerade their lack of principle/ideas as “realism”

I don’t think it’s really a matter of selling anyone out. The Democratic establishment has had their ass handed to them consistently by the Republican establishment for the better part of the last decade (Obama’s popularity/Bush’s unpopularity serving as their only saving grace). So why continue on with them?

Hit me up with those sources indicating that Trump was considered a centrist. I’m not even being snarky. Any polling showing Trump as a centrist should be enshrined in the Smithsonian 

Bernie won Michigan and Wisconsin on the backs of UAW workers, many of whom went on to vote for Trump (or abstained from voting) in the general. I’m assuming that’s what you mean when you say Trump voters, because otherwise this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense 

*presidential elections

The problem with the new school progressives is that they have lofty expensive goals, but don’t seem to understand how it’s going to be paid for which has them share a trait with the morons who want to cut taxes (that benefit the ultra wealthy) but yet still increase spending on the right.

You keep saying this as if it’s reality, but Bernie won the primary vote in Michigan on the backs of UAW workers. You think of yourself as realist because you’re a centrist, but you’re just deeply misinformed and deeply out of touch. You’re like an undecided voter who fancies themselves the smartest person in the room

Lmao he’s not a far left socialist, my man. The US has had *presidents* further to the left than Bernie Sanders

Why did Donald Trump wipe the floor with all of those crusty, white, more moderate conservatives? Why were the last two candidates standing in the Republican primaries the furthest to the right? Why did Americans’ horniness for moderate politicians not deliver Jeb or Marco to the White House?

Look, it’s White trash that doesn’t know his place.