I can’t judge you (well, your parents) unless I know what the name is.
I can’t judge you (well, your parents) unless I know what the name is.
Yes, naming your kid Wolf is exactly like naming them Chlamydia.
Furthermore, I think anyone who crossed the barricades of Capitol Hill on January 6 2021 should have been shot.
When you’re fantasizing about committing vehicular homicide, you’re PROBABLY not the good guy.
Having to put on a mask? TYRANNY! The government collecting secret data on everyone? Meh!
No, tinfoil hat troll, you may NOT reply to me. DISMISSED.
Then you’re willing to entertain idiocy, and you’re fucking useless.
“4 day week” in the corporate world generally means 4 10-hour days, so you don’t work any less.
Yay, both-sides-ism. The resort of people too cowardly to take a fucking side.
On Tuesday, five female competitors set to participate in the mixed team ski jump final were disqualified due to uniform violations. Specifically, their jumpsuits had been deemed too loose, which officials said could give them an unfair advantage over competitors in more fitted suits.
Well, RIGHT NOW, regardless of how they were when you were younger, truckers are blocking highways. If you “can’t accept that”, then you’re denying reality.
How’s that corporate dick taste?
I don’t know about its powers of anonymity, but I can tell you about its powers of destroying the environment and devaluing the US dollar.
Yup. Anonymity and untraceability, because you’re using it for illegal purposes. Buying drugs off the dark web and what not.
Someone used crypto to launder money? You don’t say! I get the feeling that’s really what it’s for, isn’t it? Laundering money and buying drugs off the dark web.
I’ll be ready to go electric when an electric car doesn’t cost fucking $40K.
While I’m not doubting your statistics, this sounds a bit like a “No True Scotsman” argument.
I hate conspiracy theorist assholes, but I also hate football because it destroys brains and bodies.
Seriously. An official proceeding should use a person’s full legal name. Let’s not feed these people’s ego any more than it already is.
But...but...I was told that language is constantly changing, maaaaan, and if you ever point out that something is spelled wrong, you’re classist, and racist, and ableist! Anything goes with language, until we’re all speaking in monosyllabic grunts. At least, that’s what I was told.