That people are leaping from there to “the parents are lying and the kid should have been beaten up” is fucking disgusting.
That people are leaping from there to “the parents are lying and the kid should have been beaten up” is fucking disgusting.
The kid may have been an asshole, but no, he didn’t “deserve” to be hit. No kid should ever be hit by an adult, for any reason. Ever. A kid who hits an adult should be restrained.
Fuck you.
I’m a socialist and these China/NK apologists can fucking tongue-bathe my hairy taint. Right after I take a shit.
Because there is unfortunately an edgy trend among some of the Left now to defend horrible regimes like China and NK, and to say that because the US has done bad things before, anything we say about other countries is automatically lies, and every country that is not the US is perfectly fine and humane, by virtue of…
“Not to defend NK at all, but”... [defends North Korea]
These people defending North Korea all need to fucking die, and soon.
There is fucked up shit going on in the US but every single fucking person in this thread saying “we’re no different” than North Korea, and derailing this discussion into the US’s flaws needs a punch in the face. Anyone who thinks we’re even within throwing distance of being as bad as North Korea should fucking kill…
The North Korea apologists in this thread need a fucking smack to the head.
Go fuck yourself, dictatorship apologist.
Are you playing apologist for North Korea? Fuck ALL THE WAY off.
I see a lot of “autism is no excuse!” comments on here, and a lot of parental blame. These people have obviously never been exposed to someone with autism
Thank you for being one of the lone voices of reason in this thread.
Every kid is fucking “special needs” these days. Special needs is the go-to excuse of every parent whose kid is out of control.
Kill yourself.
I am non-neurotypical. There is no excuse for a kid to be hitting others. None. Autism is not an excuse. If a kid is assaulting others, their parents failed.
Or maybe, this kids’ parents failed at teaching her right from wrong, and they should be held liable.
No kid deserves to be hit by an adult. However, a kid that hits others is a kid whose parents failed them. We should be holding parents responsible for their kids’ behavior until the kid turns 18.
No, it doesn’t excuse the outburst. I’m autistic. Never in my whole time as a child did I ever get the idea to punch a teacher. This kid is just a fucking terror, and it’s her parents’ fault.
I AM an autistic person. A kid who punches a teacher is a kid who has not been taught right from wrong by their parents. Period.