
Even better would be to have all your gun friends come over and have contests from 8am to 4pm over AR basic takedown and re-assembly and magazine loading/unloading and fastest mag changes. That would get suzy homemakers knickers in a bunch right quick.

Why the fuck is it anyone’s business what I chose to do with my car? If I choose to run it for 10 minutes off the remote starter, so fucking be it. How does my ULEV Audi do any more damage to the environment than a bazillion shitty old cop cars painted yellow for cabs that have a million miles each and every light is

Thanks, I have a 16 SQ5 in Sepang Blue with the black optics and still swoon eveytime i wash it. I just need a matching RS5 for the wife now. ( she is not a car person, sadly)

You don’t live in Alberta because winter tires should be law here, seat heaters,Meh, i have them and sometimes use them but winter tires are a must. As for being eaten, my training and AR-15 should keep me from being eaten first,Nice thing is I only have to make it to winter on my winter tires as the zombies will

We just had a Nissan leaf at work blow an internal fuse on a controller and it is a replace only item, $5000 plus labour, I would rather change plugs. Not saying normal cars don’t break, because they do break a bunch but when an EV breaks it is really expensive.

Designed obsolescence is everywhere, including us, do we last for ever? will my cats eventually fail and pass on? Will my TV fail and need to be replaced? will your car need to be replaced? Blaming Apple for designing a new phone every year is like blaming nature for evolution, it’s going to happen and yes eventually

Bwahahahaha! Cockwomble and chucklefucks are my new at work words away from customers. I feel that they may be applied in almost every situation. haha still giggling

Chucklefucks, That is the single greatest work in the english language. I will giggle for hours thinking of Chucklefucks, teehehehe.

Nice, Now I see where all the torque is from, that F250 and the C63 could probably spin the earth off axis if launched together.

Everything you wrote makes me smile. But please give us a list of stuff as your garage is full of awesome!

First off, I love this guy, Hours of entertainment! I like the cars, rockets and all the other crazy stuff this guy pulls out of his butt. But.... Here is the But, Am I the only one that every time he opens his mouth I can’t help but hear the Monorail song from the Simpsons. He is an amazing showman and entrepreneur,

Yeah, I went through that with my SQ5,after coming from a 13 DSG GTI, to a 16 SQ5 the SQ gets better fuel economy on the highway and if I am not driving the hell out of it, it is the same in the city. 1000 lbs heavier and 150 hp more and better mileage from Edmonton to Portland at the same average speed. I would

If I knew you and lived near you, I would give you a big man hug and buy you beer for that comment. That cars sounds sexy as all hell, I don’t care how fast a tesla is because it sounds like a nissan leaf. awful.

I must be the only guy with an Audi That uses the hell out of my turn signals, Mind you I have swapped out the original tails for the Euro ones with amber LED strips on my SQ5, Yellow rules! so yeah I use them every chance I can because they were $1000 euros. but yeah BMW people suck at it, but Barely anyone uses them

As a Canadian, Please do not take anything Global news has to say seriously, they at best are one step above Reddit. So lets have some fun and do Math!! there are approx 1.7 to 1.9 million cars sold per year in Canada, if we use 1.7 as our constant, then since 2000 28,900,000 vehicles have been sold in Canada and if

I guess Jalopnik has become Tumblr. Wow lighten up guys. We all know that restoring cars is a bad decision, try reading the whole post again and you will see that there was some hyperbole in there. Read a few of my responses, I love that he is doing this, is it a great idea because he is writing for Jalopnik, yes, but

Awesome, This is the response I was looking for. Thanks for the laugh, Now get to wrenching and writing.

Oh no trust me, I get it. I have had a long list of total financial failures when it comes to cars, I have been building cars for 30 years, I have had cars in SEMA and CES, so I know all about the endless pit of money that can be spent. This was meant as a joke, haha. Most of us here have a financial advisor,The wife

I Get that it is your hobby and fun, but at what point does it just become a bad financial decision, surely you will put 4x the money into this than you will ever get out and at what point does wrenching just become a pain in the ass and not really anymore fun? I commend you on your unrelenting pursuit of old jeeps,

Ha, but seroiusly, no filter can fix that abortion of auto design. Its awful, pep boys stick on fender vent awful.