Jeff Edsell

We're taking down those islands! Vote for Nixon.

cynoid... to stick with greek roots

A nominal tax (a fraction of a cent) on each trade will keep this from happening, as these hyper-fast algorithms depend on massive volumes of trades at very little profit to work.

I've updated the article with the news/realization that DC actually forbade the marriage entirely. Here's the original article, minus the lengthy quote:

No, because they still can and presumably would-be married. The status wouldn't change — it's solely the depiction of the wedding that DC is opposed to, which, by the way, is completely fucked up.

Also, when Batwoman proposed and DC refused to publicize it, EVERYBODY NOTICED AND CALLED THEM OUT ON IT. How did they not learn the lesson that ignoring this stuff doesn't make it go away?

You know, if I ran DC, and I thought hiring OSC was the right call for some reason, I would go out of my way to make the other 99% of DC comics as gay-friendly as possible. Who the hell are you going to upset, other than Orson Scott Card? Do you really care about OSC's feelings more than your entire readership's?

It is a big deal. They are essentially saying "We will allow this lesbian marriage but we are not going allow you to SHOW it to anyone."

I hope EW and Time and the like run with this story. Put it on their websites too, with extra-unmoderated comment sections. I love it when corporate hydras try to bite off their own heads. Hilarious.

God, DC, you're making it harder and harder to be a fan.

They haven't shown every marriage but they haven't not shown every marriage.

That’s what’s so amazing about Gregg. I mean he’s faceless bureaucrat who takes all of your stuff “in the name of the public good”. But I STILL love him in Thor.

Definitely. David Morgan-Mar (of Irregular Webcomic fame) wrote a nice piece about this here.

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Then Mike made an omelet with them. Great segment.

Word. If someone thinks they're a geek, they're a geek. There's no entry exams required.

Fookin' A. Plus, aside from a couple cross-generational items, virtually all of this stuff is aimed at people 30 and under. And apparently none of them read.

Goddamnit not this "you should know X to prove your geekery" shit again.

This just in, not all geeks are geeks about EVERYTHING. Some geeks have specialized interests. Some geeks simply don't like a specific franchise/media. What makes someone a geek in one person's eyes might be completely different than what