Guy looks like a local-access cable version of Newt Gingrich so I’m not surprised.
Guy looks like a local-access cable version of Newt Gingrich so I’m not surprised.
How about growing some thicker skin? Or come up with your own set of insults? The feds are putting way too much estrogen in the water.
Ostensibly leftist journalists, pundits, and think piece writers who somehow almost exclusively attack the American left and rarely the America right. They offer token attacks at some more radical elements on the right, but spend more time obsessing over bad tweets and opinions of random liberals.
The main point here is your audience, we can all do and say and think whatever we want to on our personal lives, I can go and yell at my wife that I’m going to spank her for not putting the garbage in the can, and we will both know that it is not intended as a violent behavior because we both know I’d never do that,…
You know who got teased once? HITLER!
People act as if it is their duty to get offended by everything.
I don’t get how that’s a stereotype now. Because some parents choose to let their kids dress like they feel dresses are not conformed to a specific gender? And because of that we all have to walk on eggshells and watch what we say? As long as its not hurtfully directed towards the child this isn’t a big deal.
Me too. We both must have got some wrong, unpolitically correct parents.
The Knicks shoulda won that was their road curse
Jia was right.
We got a Noonan rant from HamNo.
Extra innings are how the poor people get good seats. Without extra innings my dear departed father would not have been close enough to hit Orlando Cepeda in the head with a hot dog bun. Imagine how history could have been changed if things had played out differently on that fateful night in 1964.
Carol Brady is survived by 5 loved children and Jan.
he can’t read yet
The kids in developing countries will be stoked to get the Cubs 2016 World Series Champion shirts for free, though...silver linings man
Cleveland pitching has been astounding this postseason—look what they did to the Jays and Sox. Cubs lineup may be better than either of those, but not by THAT much. Didnt the Sox set a record this year or something?
Most of them have only been Cubs fans since July or so.
This is the Cubs year:
Any time I see things like this I think to myself, “how did no one think this was wrong?” How many people saw that before it went on the bus, and everyone thought “yeah this is fine.”
I also love him in moonrise kingdom